
سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 85

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Amongst the very first verses revealed problems but they were seeking priority to the holy Prophet were these verses,   over other tribes or taking pride.               In  this atmosphere, talking  about       مرکلاا   و ارقا         کﱡبر science, especially the part of science         ﱠ ﱠ         ملﻘلاب ملع یذلا                               related to pedagogy, the teaching which         ﱠ                                 ملعیمل ام ناسنلاا ملع is by pen which gives eternity to cultural           “Read! Your Lord is the Most works and puts them in the heart of history, was a different message which Generous,                         showed the depth of messenger’s who taught by the pen,                     mission and showed that messenger was                 Taught the human what he did not not influenced by the current culture of know.” (۹۶:۳-۵)             the people of the time. All fair elites These verses show that God knows one unite that the source of this message mentioned at the beginning of our of  the most significant ways of discussion should be God’s revelation. respecting human beings is “teaching                     him”, a teaching by pens. This verse had The  impact  of  this  divine  message been  sent  to  prophet  when  the among  Muslims  was  so  huge  that environment around him was stranger to Prophet,   according to authentic science. When they talked about their traditions, ordered his words be written ancestors or previous tribal wars, they so as not to be forgotten after him. In were not to solve individual or social addition, Muslims value the precious                                   ۵ Safinah al-nejat. Vol.۲, No.۷   cultural heritage of scholars in other fields like medical studies – which were the result of their long experiences-. The exception in this domain was cruelty of some Muslim military forces who entered countries like Egypt and Iran and faced the scientific heritage of human beings thoughtlessly. These exceptions which are rooted in tendencies of ignorant time should not be accounted as all Muslims’ fault in general or an order of Islam. Islam regardless of race or political tendencies has been always supporting the scientific and cultural works. Unfortunately, in recent years, by appearance of some groups who claim to be Muslim, the behavior of some of their ancestors is being repeated by the claimers. And the highest sorrow is when some media show appearance of Islam and Muslims to be this.   Let’s return to our words. Muslims, to put Qurānic teachings and the words of                                   ۶ Prophet in practice, did their best to spread knowledge and founded libraries. Donated small and big lands to found libraries, and established Darul-Ilms (each one a type of academy – as we say today-). When we look at the responsibilities of each of these places, we find, in fifth and sixth century, a kind of advanced “knowledge management” in that time which are even unique these days.   The present time is the time when Muslims, from one hand, should revive these academic and scientific glories of the past and value ilm (knowledge) more than any time and from the other hand, non-Muslims should try to know real Islam, not the extremists’ version of Islam which is advertised and to reach this, they should notice the main trend of majority of Muslims during history.
