FT-Raman and FT-IR study on interfacial interac tion of T ris-(۲-hydroxyethyl)-is ocyanuratewith AND

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 315

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Solid pro pellants are energetic p olymer com posites fille d with finely divided solid particles. The high solid loading requires a tight adhesion between the binder and the fill er in order to prevent d ewetting, i.e. separation around a filler particle, which causes severe problems to t he mechani cal properties of propellants and the performance of ro cket motor. One way of improvin g mechanic al properti es of solid propellants is to add suitable bonding agents. Bonding agent can b e adsorbed on solid pa rticles and p roduce a layer on solid particles an d this bon ding agent can react chemically with the binde r. Thus bon ding agent by producin g chemical or physica l bond bet ween binder and oxidizer, prevent dewetting and impro ve mechani cal and aging properties [۱]. Amm onium dinitramide (ADN) is a potential oxidizer for use i n propellant formulation s. The mole cular struct ure of AND, NH۴+ N (NO۲)۲- consists of an ammonium cation and dinitramide anion. A DN has some interesting chemical properties. It is is stable between pH ۳ and ۱۵, but slowly decomposes in concen trated acid. It is sensitive energetic materials. I t is also con sidered as a potential re placement of ammonium perchlor ate (AP) du e to its halogen-free combustion products, which are not detrimental to the Earth ’s atmosph ere [۲]. In our present work, by using of FT-IR and FT-Ra man analysis we scrutinized interactions between Tris-(۲-hydroxyet hyl)-isocya nurate (TH EIC) bondin g agent an d AND.

کلیدواژه ها:


F Gholamian

Department of Chemistry and Chemistry Engineering, MalekAshtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

R Mojaradfard

Department of Chemistry and Chemistry Engineering, MalekAshtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

M Ansari

Department of Chemistry and Chemistry Engineering, MalekAshtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran