S ynthesis of siliceous MCM-۴۸ and NiO /SiO۲ mesoporous m aterial via Ultrasound a ssisted sol-gel meth od

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 138

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Meso porous materials have b een the focus of intense research since the discovery of the M۴۱S class of materials in ۱۹۹۲ by the Mobil g roup [۱]. Among the various class es of mesoporous materials, MCM- ۴۸ has an in terpenetrating network of three-di mensional p ores and he nce is thoug ht to posses s favorable mass transfer kinetics co mpared to the unidime nsional pores that occur in MCM-۴۱ type of materials. The MCM-۴۸ m aterial is a favorable candidate for sever al catalytic reactions. Th e synthesis of MCM-۴ ۸ is depende nt on a number of factors such as te mperature, stirring rate, reactant ratios, type an d chain len gth of surfactant employ ed, nature of solvent a nd Si prec ursor [۲]. The present work describes a synthe tic approach that is ba sed on a combination of the Modified Stöber synthesis to form non-porous silica spheres, a nd use the template to create a cubic structure. The catalytic prope rties can be adjusted by the incorporation of different metals into the MCM-۴۸ framework. In the present study, we incorporated the Nickel-Oxide into the silica frame work to det ermine the effect of met als on the si lica structur e.


S Yari

M.sc in chemical engineering, Sahand University of Techn ology, Tabriz, Iran

R Alizadeh

Department of chemical engineering faculty, Sahand Unive rsity, Tabriz, Iran

E Fatehifar

Department of chemical engineering faculty, Sahand Unive rsity, Tabriz, Iran