Str uctural Evolution of Nanocrystalline T i-Ni-Cu S hape Me mory Alloys Synthesized by Mechan ical Alloy ing

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 116

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Equiatomic NiTi compounds are widely used in medical and eng ineering applications, d ue to their shape mem ory effect (SME), superelasticity (SE) and bi ocompatibility. Howeve r, by partial replaceme nt of Ni with Cu, not only the com position sensitivity of the alloy reduces [۱], but also the corrosion r esistance of the alloy can be improved and th e transform ation behavior and shape memory characteristic s can be affected. Since there exist limited reports on the TiNiCu forma tion by mechanical alloying (MA) [۲, ۳], more attention is needed o n the production, characterization, and properties investi gation of th ese smart materials. In the presen t work, the structural evolution an d morpholog ical changes during the milling cycle of the m echanically alloyed Ti-۴۱Ni-۹Cu compound we re investigated.

کلیدواژه ها:

TiNiC u shape memory alloys ، mechanical alloying ، amorphous phase


Fateme h Alijani

Department of Mat erials Science and Engineeri ng, Shiraz Uni versity of Tech nology, ۳۶۱۹۹ ۹۵۱۶۱, Shiraz, Iran

R asool Amini

Department of Mat erials Science and Engineeri ng, Shiraz Uni versity of Tech nology, ۳۶۱۹۹ ۹۵۱۶۱, Shiraz, Iran

Morteza Alizadeh

Department of Mat erials Science and Engineeri ng, Shiraz Uni versity of Tech nology, ۳۶۱۹۹ ۹۵۱۶۱, Shiraz, Iran