Synt hesis of T iO۲ –y-Al ۲O۳/ SO۴۲- solid acid nanocatalyst with impregnation me thod and its catalytic property

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 135

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Esters are one of the most im portant cla ssess in org anic compo unds, sience they are us ed in production of a wide range of products such as cosme tics, perfum es, food pre servatives and so on. A mong thesis products, i soamyl acet ate is one o f the most employed esters in chem icals, heteropolyacid, an d solid acid were applicable for synthesis of isoamyl aceta te. Among them, the solid acid catalyst SO۴۲-/T iO۲ was more noticeable due to its high activity at high re action temperature and r ecovery com pared with ion – excha nge resin, zeolite and pr otonic acids. So it has be en widely used in many organic reactions such as esterification, acy lation, alkylation, and so on. Howe ver, the SO۴ ۲-/TiO۲ also have some disadvantage such as l ow surface areas and wide pore distributions. Compared w ith SO۴۲-/TiO۲, TiO۲ –ƴ -Al۲O۳/ SO۴۲- nanocatalyst had high specific surface are a. In this paper, first nanosized TiO ۲ was synthesized by sol-gel method using tita nium tetra i sopropoxide (TTIP) as a precursor. Then TiO۲ – ƴ -Al۲O۳/ SO۴۲-solid a cid nanocatalysts was prepared by impregnation method [۱-۶].

کلیدواژه ها:

solid acid nanoca talyst ، TiO۲ –ƴ -Al۲O۳/ SO۴۲- ، Esteri fication ، Acetic acid


Maryam S adehvand

Chemistry Department, Iran University of Sience and Technology, P.O. BOX ۱۶۸۶۴-۱۳۱ ۱۴, Tehran, Iran

Shahrara Afshar

Chemistry Department, Iran University of Sience and Technology, P.O. BOX ۱۶۸۶۴-۱۳۱ ۱۴, Tehran, Iran

Rahe leh hejazi

Chemistry Department, Iran University of Sience and Technology, P.O. BOX ۱۶۸۶۴-۱۳۱ ۱۴, Tehran, Iran