Corrosion study of nanocomposite epoxy / poly aniline on copper electrode surface

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 142

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

To exploit the ful l potential of the technological ap plication of the compos ite material, it is important to char acterize the nature of the association between the different compo nents. Altho ugh the incorporation of gold, co pper, platin um, and palladium nan oparticles in the conducting polymers has been reported b y using chemical or ele ctrochemic al techniques, the synthe sis of conducting poly mer-metal nanoparticle composite materials having a nano fiber like morphology has not yet been u ndertaken [۱]. Many investigatio ns regardin g the develo pment of th e techniques for incorporating the nanoparticles into a pol ymer matrix have been p ublished [۲-۵].Exper imental:In a ty pical reacti on, ۰.۸ g DD S was diss olved in a magnetic stirred ۲۵ ml of methanol in a ۵۰ ml conical flask. After comp lete dissolu tion,۱۰۰ ml dilute cupric sulfate solution (۱۰-۱mol dm-۳) was added drop wise. During this addition, a green color ed turbidity developed. After additi on of all of the cupric sulfate, the precipitated material c ollected at the bottom of the flask. This work accomplish ed for two solutions of nickel su lfate and silver nitrat e that colloi dal solutions observed w hite and milky colored.


s Moradi

Departm ent of Chemi stry, Teacher research Bojnord, Iran

m Sharifirad

Departm ent of Chemi stry, Teacher research Bojnord, Iran

f Amanifard

Departm ent of Chemi stry, Teacher research Bojnord, Iran

h Sajadianfar

Departm ent of Chemi stry, Teacher research Bojnord, Iran