Sy nthesis, Determination of phy sicochemical prope rties and cytotoxic ity study of Mit oxantrone loaded m agnetic nanoparticles

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 127

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Drug delivery and gene targeting using magnetic nan oparticles ( MNPs) is a promising w ay for cance r chemotherapy and c ancer gene therapy b ecause their remarkab le accumulation behaviour at the t umour site [ ۱, ۲]. MNPs have high tendency to a gglomerate, So macrophages can qu ickly clear agglomerated nanoparti cles. Accordingly, the su rface of na noparticles can be modified with h ydrophilic polymers such as po lyethyleneglycol (PEG ). This su rface engin eering of m agnetic nano particles im prove stability of MN Ps in physiological media [۳, ۴]. O n the other hand, Magnetic nanoparticles can conjugate with chemical or biol ogical endocytosed reagents such a s folic aci d [۵]. Conj ugation of folic acid to the surface of magne tic nanoparticles may increase ta rgeting of magnetic nanoparticles to the tu mours because endocytosis phenome na [۵, ۶]. M agnetic nan oparticles drug deliver y systems may be useful for deliver y of cancer treatment dr ugs into the tumour ce lls[۶, ۷]. In the present work, we di scuss the synthesis of bi-functional drug delive ry system c onsists of Fe۳O۴-DPA-PEG-NH۲. These magnetic nanoparticles covalently boun ded to the f olic acid via amide bond and then chemically grafted to the mitoxantro ne.

کلیدواژه ها:

Mitoxantrone ، D rug Delivery ، Fe۳O۴ ma gnetic nanop articles ، MC F-۷ ، Folic a cid


m Heida ri Majd

Department of medicinal chemistry & Research Center for pharmaceutical Nanotechnology & Student Research Committe, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ta briz University of Medical S ciences, Tabriz, Iran

d Asgari

Department of med icinal chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ta briz University of Medical S ciences, Tabriz , Iran