Removal of Organi c Pollutants from W ater by M ultiwalled Carbon Nanotub e/ Poly(ethylene gl ycol)/ β-C yclodextrin Nanocomposite

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 123

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

The existence of organic poll utants in so ils and water systems is currently a big probl em of global concern because of their harmful effects on ecosystem and human hea lth .Such organic comp ounds which include p olyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biph enyls (PCBs ), dioxins and endocrine disrupting compouns (EDCs) that can be toxic or carcinogenic even at low concentrations and non-reac tivity of th ese species makes it difficult to remove them from water. Several common tech niques such as activate d carbon, o zonation, zeolites and reverse osmosis are bein g used for w ater treatm ent. Howeve r some of these metho ds are often associated w ith many p roblems, suc h as low efficiency, hig h cost or ge neration of some more toxic by-pro ducts whic h make them ineffective . Carbon n anotubes as a new adsorbent, have an excellent absorption capability f or removal many organic molecules. However, the insolubility of CN Ts in most organic and aqueous so lvents limits the application of CN Ts in soluti on phase.Cyclodextrin based insoluble polymers c an remove o rganic poll utants effectively throug h the formation of inclusion complexes. CDs cant remove organic m olecules directly due to the good s olubility in aqueous solutions [۱-۳].In this study, Multiwalled carbon nanotub e/polyethylene glycol/ȕ-cyclodextrin nanocom posite as an excellent ad sorbent for organic spe cies is synthesized and then is use d for remo val ۲-biphe nylamine from aqueous solutions.


f Dizani

Department of chemistry, Faculty of sci ences, IKIU, Q azvin, Iran

b Vasheghani F.

Department of chemistry, Faculty of sci ences, IKIU, Q azvin, Iran

f.h rajabi

Department of chemistry, Faculty of sci ences, IKIU, Q azvin, Iran

t Taherkhani

Department of chemistry, Faculty of sci ences, IKIU, Q azvin, Iran