Spec trophoto metric stu dy of the complexation of two new synthetic Schiff ba se with some transition and heavy m etal ions in aceton itril solvent

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 109

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Thermo dynamic studies of co mplexation reactions of Schiff bases with tr ansition and heavy metal ions not only result is important information on the the rmodynamics of complexation reactio n, but also lead to a better understanding of the high selectivity of these ligands toward s different metal ions. Therefore complexation reaction s of metal ions with different ligands have been widely studied [۱]. Bis (۲-hydrox y -۱-naphtaldehydene )-۱,۲- phenyle ndiamine( L۱) andBis (۲-hydroxy -۱-naphtalde hydene) -۴-nitro -۱,۲- phenyle ndiamine (L۲), arenew synthesis Schiff b ase and th ere isnot any thermo dynamic informa tion abou t it and i ts complex ation with metal ions.Inthis investigation the complexationbehaviour of th e cited ligands with s me metal ions such as Co۲+, Ni ۲+, Cu۲+, UO۲۲+, Pb۲+,Zn۲+, Ce۳+, In۳+ a nd Th۴+ in acetonitril at ۲۵ ºC and ۰.۰۵ M te tra ethylammonium perchlorate (TEAP ) were studied by spec trophotom etric metho d.

کلیدواژه ها:


A Shokro llahi

Department of Chemi stry, Yasouj U niversity, Yasouj, Iran

T Mehrpou

Department of Chemi stry, Yasouj U niversity, Yasouj, Iran

M Montazerozohori

Department of Chemi stry, Yasouj U niversity, Yasouj, Iran