Culture and Conservation of water in Ganga Plain INDIA

سال انتشار: 1390
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,736

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 اسفند 1390

چکیده مقاله:

Ganga basin is characterized by numerous glacial and ground water fed meandering streams, their meandering pattern and flow direction ,channel pattern vary from upper Ganga plain to lower Ganga plain these are controlled by rainfall, underground geological structure, slope and fluvial dynamics of stream itself.During meandering and oscillation of stream in the valley these channels formed various depositional and erosional landforms are most striking features of Ganga plain. The four fifth water of Ganga river is derived from rainfall in Ganaga plain or percolated rainwater finally emerges as ephermal stream in the form of ground water in lower and middle Ganga plain (Eastern Uttar Pradesh ), the area is dominated by agricultural economy and vast majority of people involved in food production , rice is grown during monsoon and used primarily for domestic consumption followed by vegetable and wheat cultivation. High density and lack of canal system for irrigation causes heavy draft of ground water by tube wells.Climate : Climate is an important variable that control availability of water during lean period in environment for survival of lives and agricultural activity The evaporation and transpiration depends upon mean annual temperature and precipitation. Temperature control the rate of evaporation responsible for need of conservation. The humidity and precipitation provides an aqueous medium moisture growing plants.. The medium and lower Ganga plain experience a humid , subtropical climate with hot summer followed by heavy precipitation ranging from 100cm to 200cm with short cold winters . The major part of rainfall concentrated in the month of July and August less commonly in the Sept. and October. Winter rainfall is 5cm to 10 cm in the month of Jan. by cyclonic rain. Maximum temperature 41C-43C may go up to 48 in the month of May temp go up to 48 and remain high , rarely falls below 30C , In coming of monsoon brings sudden lowering down of temp. in the month of July. The day temperature falls 5 C to 10C


Satyendra Singh

Government Girls’ PG College Ghazipur. Uttar Pradesh, India