Testing a model of L۲ communication among Iranian EFL learners: A path analysis framework

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 177

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 دی 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Using  willingness  to  communicate  (WTC)  and  socio-educational  models  as  a  framework,  the present study aimed at examining WTC in English and its underlying variables in a sample of ۳۷۲ Iranian  non-English  major  EFL  learners.  The  data  were  collected  through  self-reported questionnaires.  Path  analysis  framework  using  the  Amos  Program  with  maximum  likelihood estimation  was  also  utilized  to  examine  the  hypothesized  model  and  the  potential  relationships between the variables. The final model showed a very good fit to the data. The results of structural equation  modeling  revealed  that  self-perceived  communication  competence  (SPCC),  international posture  and  motivation  were  significant  predictors  of  L۲WTC.  The  findings  also  showed  that  L۲ communication anxiety (CA), motivation, personality trait of agreeableness and teacher immediacy could exert indirect effects on L۲WTC. Furthermore, each of teacher immediacy and agreeableness variables  predicted  both  international  posture  and  CA  among  the  EFL  learners.  Following  these findings,  potential  factors  affecting  learners  WTC  should  receive  sufficient  attention  by  teachers, administrators  and  learners  alike.  By  adopting  more  immediacy  behaviors,  EFL  teachers  can  also establish relaxing and supportive classroom climate and lower the learners’ affective filter. In such an  atmosphere  learners  are  more  emotionally  secured,  suffer  less  communication  apprehension, perceive themselves to be more proficient and motivated, obtain promoted international posture by forming  realistic  attitudes  toward  different  cultures,  and  consequently  become  more  willing  to communicate in English.


Nasser Fallah

English Department, University of Zabol, Iran

Habibollah Mashhady

English Department, University of Zabol, Iran

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