The Power of Music for Farabi: A Case Study as to Gender

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 146

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 آذر 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Abu Nasr Farabi focuses on influence of the music on emotions and emotional problems including extreme emotions and moods. But how effective is music in changing a specific emotional issue? This essay reports what is probably the first scientific study of the effect of music on a precise extreme mood. Using a randomized experiment, we measure how a music affects sexism. More specifically, the experiment measures the extent to which a piece of music that we have created weakens the belief among some Muslims that women are not as suitable as men for positions of chairmanship. We find that the music reduces sexism by ۲۲.۴۸ percent, compared to a control treatment that presents the same argument and story verbally. Results, moreover, indicate that prejudice against women is not an inherent feature of Islam and is rather a function of the descriptive beliefs that prevail in some Islamic societies regarding women’s capabilities.

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نادیا مفتونی

دانشیار گروه فلسفه و کلام اسلامی، دانشگاه تهران، ایران

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  • Vol. ۱۵/ Issue: ۳۶/ Autumn ۲۰۲۱The Power of Music for ...
  • Keywords: Farabi, music, gender, emotions, womenThere is more power in ...
  • Régis Debray –– ۱۹۸۶IntroductionFarabi, a philosopher of ۹th and ۱۰th ...
  • But how effective is music in changing extreme moods and ...
  • There is no question that music has been used throughout ...
  • This paper reports what is probably the first scientific study ...
  • The importance of music as a stimulus goes beyond effectiveness, ...
  • This means that, for all their merits, most studies of ...
  • In addition to introducing a research agenda of its own, ...
  • Our findings also relate to the literature on the sociology ...
  • The experiment speaks, moreover, to the vast literatures on political ...
  • Last but not least, the findings contribute to the literature ...
  • LiteratureMany factors are known to influence emotions, moods, and preferences. ...
  • There are also multiple strands of literature that show that ...
  • Determinants of prejudice against women have in particular been the ...
  • For all their merits, however, most of these studies have ...
  • In this respect, existing theories of the determinants of moods ...
  • Music stands in stark contrast to hitherto identified factors. Expressing ...
  • ExperimentThe experiment was implemented in summer ۲۰۲۰. Subjects were self-identified ...
  • Women are less suitable than men for positions of chairmanship ...
  • Opinion was measured using the Likert scale as ...
  • Strongly disagree ...
  • Disagree ...
  • Indifferent ...
  • Agree ...
  • Strongly agreeThe treatment was a piece of music we have ...
  • Competence is not an innate feature predictable by one’s gender. ...
  • ۶۱ people participated in the study. The table below shows ...
  • Avg. Opinion BeforeAvg. Opinion After– ۰.۷۰۵Avg. Change in Opinion– ۰.۱۱۱– ...
  • The results confirm that the medium of music has a ...
  • DiscussionFarabi designs a hierarchical society consisting of five levels, first ...
  • Expressing the same argument in the language of music has ...
  • The long-term stability of the effect is another concern. Under ...
  • The extent to which prejudice against women can be attributed ...
  • Notwithstanding these limitations, the experiment provides some evidence that music ...
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