Determination of Seismic Lineaments by EGM۲۰۰۸ Data and Gravitational Facies in North of Qazvin, Iran

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 213

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 آبان 1400

چکیده مقاله:

This research is based on revealing hidden seismic lineaments by interpreting airborne gravimetric and magnetic gradients along with structural patterns [۴] in north of Qazvin. IIEES Earthquake catalogue (M> ۲ since ۱۹۶۲) has been plotted and analyzed for integrative geophysical purposes. Our research showed that hidden lineaments not only coincide with structural pattern, but spatially control the seismic behaviors in North Qazvin Fault (NQF) branches. The surveyed area is achieved by ۵۶۴۳۲ points with isometric grids. Besides, geological evidences have been used for facies changing and fault map verification according to seismic events. The facies' change is an innovative process for evaluating gravity lineaments related to NQF hidden lineaments. Such a pattern provides the spatial association of NQF seismic patterns with the revealed seismogenic lineaments of which evidences can be proved by airborne geophysical dataset. As a result, at least two hidden lineaments can be distinguished in north and eastern part of NQF according to geophysical evidences. Therefore, the east and north east of Qazvin have more seismic potentials than other regions because of an observed and meaningful variation of gravimetric facies next to NQF.


Seyed Reza Mehrnia

Payam e Noor University

Roya Khaleghi

Payam e Noor University