Hypoxia-reoxygenation induced necroptosis in cultured rat renal tubular epithelial cell line

سال انتشار: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 182

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 مهر 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Objective(s): The aim of this study is to explore the potential role of hypoxia/reoxygenation in necroptosis in cultured rat renal tubular epithelial cell line NRK-۵۲E, and further to investigate its possible mechanisms.Materials and Methods: Cells were cultured under different hypoxia-reoxygenation conditions                        in vitro. MTT assay was used to measure the cell proliferation of cells that were exposed to hypoxia-reoxygenation conditions at different time points. Receptor-interacting protein ۱,۳ (RIP۱ and RIP۳) and NF-κB were detected by Western-blot analysis. Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) was conducted to investigate the formation of necrosome. Necrostatin-۱ (Nec-۱) was adopted to inhibit the occurrence of necroptosis. In addition, morphological changes of cells after hypoxia-reoxygenation interference were observed under transmission electron microscope (TEM).  Results: MTT assay indicated that hypoxia-reoxygenation treatment can cause a decrease in cell viability. Particularly, ۶ hr of hypoxia and ۲۴ hr of reoxygenation (H۶R۲۴ group) resulted in the lowest cell viability. Western-blot results indicated that the expression of RIP۳ significantly increased in H۶R۲۴ group while the expression of NF-κB is decreased. Co-IP results demonstrated that the interaction between RIP۱ and RIP۳ was stronger in the hypoxia-reoxygenation induced group than the other groups, furthermore, treatment with Nec-۱ reduced the formation of necrosome. TEM observation results showed that hypoxia-reoxygenation treated cells showed typical morphological characteristics of necroptosis and autophagy.Conclusion: Hypoxia-reoxygenation treatment can induce necroptosis in NRK-۵۲E cells, and this effect can be inhibited by Nec-۱. In addition, the mechanism of necroptosis induced by hypoxia-reoxygenation injury on cells may be related to the low expression of NF-κB.


Changlai Zhu

Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Neuroregeneration, Co-innovation Center of Neuroregeneration, Nantong University, Nantong, JS ۲۲۶۰۰۱, P. R. China

Yang Liu

Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Neuroregeneration, Co-innovation Center of Neuroregeneration, Nantong University, Nantong, JS ۲۲۶۰۰۱, P. R. China

Zongyu Guan

Medical College of Nantong University, Nantong, JS, P. R. China

Yi Zhou

Medical College of Nantong University, Nantong, JS, P. R. China

Fang Liu

Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Neuroregeneration, Co-innovation Center of Neuroregeneration, Nantong University, Nantong, JS ۲۲۶۰۰۱, P. R. China

Tianyi Zhang

Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Neuroregeneration, Co-innovation Center of Neuroregeneration, Nantong University, Nantong, JS ۲۲۶۰۰۱, P. R. China

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