Community Center Design with the Approach of Social Interactions between Different EthnicGroups of Iran

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 213

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 20 مهر 1400

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Alongside cultures and cultures, human and friendly approaches are always used. The plundering of the cultural principles of society and the overthrow of morality and socialvirtues encompasses domination in socioeconomic areas, and widespread forms of hostility have become widespread today, and this is nothing more than a cultural invasion, since when The cultural foundations of a society have even been questioned and the society has been lagging behind by mastering and applying the new ways of life of foreigners. Therefore, countering clashes with this cultural invasion nowadays, in addition to having the necessary scientific and technical tools, require special social consciousness. Unfortunately, the most important corollaries of cultural invasion are the younger generation. Because the younger generation in each country is, in fact, the founder of the future development and life and the aspirations of that society, so the education and training of the youth of each country guarantees the country's socio-economic and technical progress. Today, long years of cultural education experience in advanced countries has almost come to the conclusion that traditional educational centers, such as those of any society, such as university centers and special education centers today, can not bear the burden of teaching the children of a community or its cultural principles To make the necessary defense and not to be vulnerable to various social and social aggressions. Therefore, the need for the reopening and construction of new educational, culturaleducational centers, with modern management practices, is one of these centers, in addition to the establishment of a scientific and educational center for the creation of nuclei and cultural centers that have all educational and educational backgrounds. In addition to having an educational, cultural-educational level, cultural centers are a healthy and relaxed environment for families and young people who fill their leisure time with such training.


Fatemeh Taheri Gorji

Shahrekord PhD student in architecture. Shahr e Kord . Iran