Quantification of Carbon Footprint of Waste to Energy Power Plants (Case Study: ARADKOUH Incineration Unit)

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 254

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 تیر 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Environmental crisis due to the unsanitary municipal solid waste dumping, like greenhouse gas emission, leachate, Ignition, and etc. is increasing around the world especially in developing countries which landfill without gas recovery systems is the most common way of solid waste treatment. Since Municipal Solid Waste is an important source from energy and material recovery point of view, and one way to convert this source to energy is within waste to energy power plants, in this study a carbon footprint estimation model of waste to energy power plant in Tehran using ۲۰۰۶ IPCC۱ guideline is presented. For this target first the scope of the study is highlighted and then the total emission of each part is evaluated in carbon dioxide equivalent and in conclusion, the carbon footprint of generating one kWh electricity is estimated using the carbon footprint model developed. Parameters effect on carbon footprint are divided into two groups, parameters effect on emissions e.g. transportation-related emission, combustion, and ash disposal landfill emissions and parameters effect on electricity generation like within-facility energy consumption, degradation, site condition, and the loss of distribution and transmission. Combustion with ۸۸ percent, total transportation with ۷ and ash landfilled with ۵ percent has the contribution in emissions and the final emissions of ۳ percent out of waste generated incinerated in Tehran power plant is ۲۵.۹۱ ktonCO۲eq/y and its carbon footprint is ۱۴۳۰.۹۶ gCO۲eq/kWh.


Fatemeh Dalir

Post Doc Researcher, University of Tehran

Majid Shafiepour Motlagh

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran

Kiana Rouhi

Master of Energy Systems Engineering-Energy and Environment