Investigating the basis for the antidepressant effects of Gleditsiae spina using an integrated metabolomic strategy

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 287

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اردیبهشت 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Objective(s): Gleditsiae spina (GS) is a natural antidepressant but its mechanisms of action remain unclear. In the present study, taxifolin (Tax) was selected to determine the role of flavonoids in the antidepressant effects of GS.Materials and Methods: Urine samples from C۵۷BL/۶ mice were analyzed based on  ultra performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-Q/TOF-MS). Then, we investigated the therapeutic effects of GS and Tax in depression models in vivo. An integrated metabolomic approach was used to examine the metabolic profiles of GS/Tax groups and corticosterone model groups (Cor). Metabolic networks in response to GS/Tax treatment were established for the comparison of antidepressant activities.Results: Corticosterone exposure significantly increased serum levels of corticosterone but decreased serum levels of ۵-hydroxytryptamine and sucrose consumption (p <۰.۰۱). Treatment with GS and Tax improved all measured variables compared to those of the corticosterone-exposed group (p < ۰.۰۱). The antidepressant effects of GS and Tax involved the regulation of pentose and glucuronate interconversions, arginine and proline metabolism, phenylalanine metabolism, taurine and hypotaurine metabolism, and the citrate cycle.Conclusion: These findings indicate that flavonoids form the pharmacodynamic basis of the antidepressant effects of GS. Moreover, our findings highlight that integrated metabolomics provides a powerful tool to study the mechanisms and material basis of Chinese herbs.


Tong Liu

School of Pharmacy, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, China

Ning Zhou

School of Pharmacy, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, China

Yangang Cao

School of Pharmacy, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, China

Ruihao Xu

School of Pharmacy, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, China

Zhen Liu

School of Pharmacy, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, China

Xiaoke Zheng

School of Pharmacy, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, China

Weisheng Feng

School of Pharmacy, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, China

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  • 1. Ahern E, Kinsella S, Semkovska M. Clinical efficacy and ...
  • 2. Kurhe Y, Mahesh R, Gupta D, Devadoss T. QCM-4, ...
  • 3. Clarke TK, Obsteter J, Hall LS, Hayward C, Thomson ...
  • 4. Schüle C. Neuroendocrinological mechanisms of actions of antidepressant drugs. ...
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  • 6. Huang KL, Lu WC, Wang YY, Hu GC, Lu ...
  • 7. Lee G, Bae H. Therapeutic effects of phytochemicals and ...
  • 8. Wang D, Wang H, Gu L. The antidepressant and ...
  • 9. Yi JM, Kim J, Park JS, Lee J, Lee ...
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  • 11. Shin TY. The extract of Gleditsiae spina inhibits mast ...
  • 12. Lee SJ, Park SS, Kim WJ, Moon S. Gleditsia ...
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  • 25. Böger RH. The pharmacodynamics of L-arginine. Altern Ther Health ...
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  • 35. Tarnopolsky MA. Caffeine and creatine use in sport. Ann ...
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  • 49. Kori Y, Sidoli S, Yuan ZF, Lund PJ, Zhao ...
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  • 51. Suh SW, Hamby AM, Gum ET, Shin BS, Won ...
  • The results described in this paper were part of student thesis. ...
  • Conflicts of interest ...
  • There are no conflicts to declare. ...
  • Acknowledgements ...
  • This work was supported by the Central Leading Local Science ...
  • 1. Ahern E, Kinsella S, Semkovska M. Clinical efficacy and ...
  • 2. Kurhe Y, Mahesh R, Gupta D, Devadoss T. QCM-4, ...
  • 3. Clarke TK, Obsteter J, Hall LS, Hayward C, Thomson ...
  • 4. Schüle C. Neuroendocrinological mechanisms of actions of antidepressant drugs. ...
  • 5. Nabavi SM, Daglia M, Braidy N, Nabavi SF. Natural ...
  • 6. Huang KL, Lu WC, Wang YY, Hu GC, Lu ...
  • 7. Lee G, Bae H. Therapeutic Effects of Phytochemicals and ...
  • 8. Wang D, Wang H, Gu L. The Antidepressant and ...
  • 9. Yi JM, Kim J, Park JS, Lee J, Lee ...
  • 10. Fang LH, Wang RP, Hu SY, Teng YH, Xie ...
  • 11. Shin TY. The extract of Gleditsiae Spina inhibits mast ...
  • 12. Lee SJ, Park SS, Kim WJ, Moon S. Gleditsia ...
  • 13. Li J, Jiang K, Wang LJ, Yin G, Wang ...
  • 14. Yu J, Zhao L, Sun X, Sun C, Wang ...
  • 15. Saito S, Yamamoto Y, Maki T, Hattori Y, Ito ...
  • 16. Kuang H, Tang Z, Zhang C, Wang Z, Li ...
  • 17. Park SY, Kim HY, Park HJ, Shin HK, Hong ...
  • 18. Inoue T, Saito S, Tanaka M, Yamakage H, Kusakabe ...
  • 19. Gunesch S, Soriano-Castell D, Lamer S, Schlosser A, Maher ...
  • Liu CC, Wu YF, Feng GM, Gao XX, Zhou YZ, ...
  • Nyer M, Mischoulon D, Alpert JE, Holt DJ, Brill CD, ...
  • Enko D, Wagner H, Kriegshäuser G, Brandmayr W, Halwachs-Baumann G, ...
  • Wurtman RJ, Wurtman JJ. Brain serotonin, carbohydrate-craving, obesity and depression. ...
  • Umar S, van der Laarse A. Nitric oxide and nitric ...
  • Böger RH. The pharmacodynamics of L-arginine. Altern Ther Health Med ...
  • He HY, Henderson AC, Du YL, Ryan KS. Two-Enzyme Pathway ...
  • Chong CM, Ai N, Ke M, Tan Y, Huang Z, ...
  • Joca SRL, Sartim AG, Roncalho AL, Diniz CFA, Wegener G. ...
  • Sanders KM, Ward SM. Nitric oxide and its role as ...
  • Zhang Q, Deng Y, Zhang W, Liu Y, Zha D. ...
  • Hess S, Baker G, Gyenes G, Tsuyuki R, Newman S, ...
  • Ali-Sisto T, Tolmunen T, Viinamäki H, Mäntyselkä P, Valkonen-Korhonen M, ...
  • Markus W, Rima KD. Creatine and Creatinine Metabolism. Physiol Rev ...
  • Ji L, Zhao X, Zhang B, Kang L, Song W, ...
  • Tarnopolsky MA. Caffeine and creatine use in sport. Ann Nutr ...
  • Cappelletti P, Tallarita E, Rabattoni V, Campomenosi P, Sacchi S, ...
  • Hull J, Usmari Moraes M, Brookes E, Love S, Conway ...
  • Zhou Y, Danbolt NC. Glutamate as a neurotransmitter in the ...
  • Fouad IA, Sharaf NM, Abdelghany RM, Dine ESNSE. Neuromodulatory Effect ...
  • Lau A, Tymianski M. Glutamate receptors, neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration. Pflugers ...
  • Ge Y, Borne E, Stewart S, Hansen MR, Arturo EC, ...
  • Mitchell JJ, Trakadis YJ, Scriver CR. Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency. Genet ...
  • Cieńska M, Labus K, Lewańczuk M, Koźlecki T, Liesiene J, ...
  • Paulucio D, Terra A, Santos CG, Cagy M, Velasques B, ...
  • Hansen AW, Almeida FB, Bandiera S, Pulcinelli RR, Caletti G, ...
  • Wei L, Xue R, Zhang P, Wu Y, Li X, ...
  • Belluzzi O, Puopolo M, Benedusi M, Kratskin I. Selective neuroinhibitory ...
  • Wu GF, Ren S, Tang RY, Xu C, Zhou JQ, ...
  • Kori Y, Sidoli S, Yuan ZF, Lund PJ, Zhao X, ...
  • Lauterbach MA, Hanke JE, Serefidou M, Mangan MSJ, Kolbe CC, ...
  • Suh SW, Hamby AM, Gum ET, Shin BS, Won SJ, ...
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