Genetic Variability of Access of the Active Germplasm Bank of Coffea canephora of Incaper in Southern Espírito Santo

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 170

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اردیبهشت 1400

چکیده مقاله:

This study aimed to analyze the genetic variability of ۳۲۳ accessions of the Active Germplasm Bank (BAG) of Coffea canephora of the Institute for Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Espírito Santo (Incaper) using ۳۸ quantitative phenotypic characters. The standardized average Euclidean distance between the accessions was estimated to generate a statistical distance matrix and, from this, the groupings were performed using the Tocher and UPGMA. Concerning the studied accessions, the amplitude of the data set for each characteristic, and the possibility of selection were visualized. The accuracy of data collection was verified by the Variation Index with values below ۱۰% for most of the characters, except for characters such as number of rosettes in the upper plagiotropic branch, number of grains in the smallest orthotropic branch, and number of grains per rosette on the upper plagiotropic branch. Using the Tocher method, ۲۵ groups were recognized, ۱۰ of which were formed by only one accession. The hierarchical grouping highlighted the lack of duplicates and accessions ۱۷۳ (ES ۱-B) as the most genetically distant. The analysis of the relative contribution of each character distinguished fresh matter and dry matter of orthotropic branches thrown by plants susceptible to pruning as fundamental for the differentiation of accessions and important in future studies of diversity as they are responsible for about ۸۳% of the phenotypic variability of the study. There were no duplicates among the evaluated accessions and there are heterotic groups and distinct accessions in the BAG that can be used in hybridization programs or per se to obtain new cultivars. The pairs of the most similar and dissimilar accessions were ۴۵ (۱۴۸/۸۶) and ۳۲۰ (IAC۳۷) with a statistical distance of ۰.۰۷۱۳ and ۱۷۳ (ES ۱-B) and ۲۷۰ (۴۰۳-Marilândia) with a distance of ۰.۴۷۶۵, respectively.


Joao Felipe de Brites Senra

Development and Innovation Institute, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Espírito Santo, Rodovia Joao Domingo Zago, Brazil

Maria Amélia Gava Ferrao

Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation Institute, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Espírito Santo, Brazil

Rodolfo Ferreira de Mendonça

Itapemirim City Hall, ES. Former Pos Doctor Junior CNPq fellow and Consorcio Pesquisa Café in INCAPER

Aymbiré Francisco Almeida da Fonseca

Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation Institute, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Espírito Santo, Brazil

Romário Gava Ferrao

Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Espírito Santo and research coordinator of Brazilian College Multivix

Paulo Sérgio Volpi

Development and Innovation Institute, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Espírito Santo, Rodovia Joao Domingo Zago, Brazil

Abraão Carlos Verdin Filho

Development and Innovation Institute, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Espírito Santo, Rodovia Joao Domingo Zago, Brazil

Marcone Comério

Development and Innovation Institute, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Espírito Santo, Rodovia Joao Domingo Zago, Brazil

Matheus Wandermurem da Silva

Research Coffee Consortium Scholarship of Southern Center, Development and Innovation Institute, Technical Assistance, and Rural Extension of Espírito Santo

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