Role of Patient Safety Incident Reporting Systems in Home Hospitalization

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 206

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 31 فروردین 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: The present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the current hospital-based electronic patient safety incident reporting system (IRS) in the improvement of patient safety in home hospitalization (HH). Materials and Methods: Out of 6381 patient safety reports voluntarily presented by healthcare professionals in a tertiary hospital in Barcelona between 2016 and 2019, all those related to HH were analyzed.  They were characterized by incident type, description, risk and year, the ways to get notified, patient’s age, and the results of the analysis. Moreover, falls were classified depending on circumstances. Results: Based on the results, 68 HH incident reports were related to the following factors: use of medication (n=2), procedures (1), patient’s behavior (n=1), and falls (n=64). Regarding the damage degree, the incidents were reported as extreme risk (n=1), high (n=8), moderate (n=27),  low (29),  and very low risk (n=3). The majority of patients involved in the incidents were more than 60 years old. Out of the reported falls, 8 cases were categorized as high risk, and 32 cases reported health consequences. Moreover, 19 falls from height, 31 cases of falling while sitting or lying, and 30 incidents classified as unknown were identified. Conclusion: Patient safety is a matter of great concern, especially in HH but with some differential features. The IRS can play a peculiar role in minimizing patient safety risks and promoting a safety culture. The results of the present study pointed to some frequent risks and suggested improving opportunities in HH. Nonetheless, further studies are needed to design tailored patient safety interventions in HH, as well as a tailored IRS adapted to this growing setting.


Laura De la Torre-Pérez

Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Department. Clínic Institute of Medicine and Dermatology (ICMiD). Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

Carme Hernández-Carcereny

Coordinator of Home Hospitalization unit. Medical and Nursing Direction. Hospital Clinic. University of Barcelona. Barcelona.

Isabel Fortes Bazaga

۱Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Department. Clínic Institute of Medicine and Dermatology (ICMiD). Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

Andreu Prat-Marin

۱Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Department. Clínic Institute of Medicine and Dermatology (ICMiD). Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

Maria-Jesus Bertran Luengo

۱Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Department. Clínic Institute of Medicine and Dermatology (ICMiD). Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.