Breadnut (Artocarpus camansi Blanco): A review of postharvest physiology, quality management, processing and utilization

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 209

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 30 فروردین 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Purpose: This paper provides an in-depth critical review and analysis of recent research undertaken to optimize quality during harvesting, postharvest handling, processing and utilization of breadnut (Artocarpus camansi Blanco). Findings: This treatise provided a comprehensive review on the significance of breadnut as an ideal staple and famine food due to its abundance, processing options, high percentage of complex carbohydrates, unique flavor and culinary qualities. Market potential for this fruit across the globe and its projection to multiply is reviewed as related to increasing demand for fiber rich fruits, utilization in ethnic cuisine and in traditional medicine. The fruit is highly perishable with a shelf life of not more than 2-3 days under ambient conditions. Breadnut rapidly transforms when harvested mature green after 2-3 days to a soft texture and the outer skin of the milky white seeds change to a brown, brittle, tough netlike rind while the flesh changes from a white colour to a light yellow colour. The combined effects of rapid softening and high susceptibility to chilling injury contribute immensely to its short shelf life. Limitations: There were no significant limitations as the literature was available and access to communicate with authors were easily facilitated by the internet. Directions for future research:This istheonly review which collated the findings on postharvest physiology and utilization of breadnut. This information will be useful for tree breeding programs, in order to popularize breadnut as a commercial crop and promote food security at the household and community levels.


Majeed Mohammed

Department of Food Production, Faculty of Food and Agriculture, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad

Lynda Wickham

Department of Food Production, Faculty of Food and Agriculture, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad

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