Background: Many workers in various industries and mines suffer from accidents andoccupational diseases. Statistics show that the annual incidence of occupational accidents costsaround $ 70 billion. Determination of the amount of work related accidents based on the Dalyindex is one of the methods used to assess the effectiveness of safety interventions. The aim ofthis study was to cost effectiveness analysis of safety interventions using the DALY index inmineral powder company.Materials & Methods: This study is analytic descriptive that has compared the costeffectiveness of two reduction interventions for occupational accidents and training equipmentfor workers, by using the report form of work-related accidents in the one of the mineral powdercompanies. The population of this study was all incident personnel that were reported in 1396,and their incident report form was sent to the Labor and Social Welfare Organization. Then weestimated the Years of Life Lost Due to Premature Mortality (YLL), the Years Lived with aDisability (YLD) and the Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY), by using WHOmethodology, and in finally, the analysis and comparison of the cost of interventions and thecomparison of interventions and the cost effectiveness of intervention were done.Results: accidents and Years of Life Lost factors, included: Struck against (49%), Fall fromabove (24%), caught between or caught in (23%) and contact with hot object and material (4%).the Accident of caught between or caught in by the fracture impact has the highest lost daysLived With accident (1948 days). Also, the results of the studies showed that the index ofoccupational accidents after the intervention of safety equipment and training was 512.7631687and 674.41785.Conclusion: The results of cost-effectiveness analysis showed that the cost-effectiveness ratioin the intervention of safety equipment is 884318.5854 Rials and educational intervention is2562061.488 Rials per DALY. Therefore, intervention of safety equipment is more costeffective.