Lean, green and agile factors prioritization in launching a new product using a fuzzy VIKOR approach in food supply chain: a case study in a dairy production company

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 524

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 12 اسفند 1399

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Lean, agile and green management are parts of the new set of concepts that are being added to the former traditional supply chain management subjects specially in recent years. By adopting these concepts together in a supply chain management system, businesses could thrive towards improvingtheir productivity and contribute to the environmental goals. To do so, they need to first prioritize and plan the factors which are going to be appended in their main SCM (supply chain management) system. in this paper first, we introduce a list of enablers related to each three main categories of lean, agile and green supply chain. This has been done via surveying 144 experts from Kaleh company which is famous for dairy food production. The identified enablers of each class, has been undergone a best-worst multicriteria decision making model to obtain the weights for each factor. The a fuzzy VIKOR approach has been used to rank and prioritize the weighted criteria regarding the specification of launching a new dairy product. The results demonstrate that the market success, financial success and customer participation are the three most important factors of all whereas green technology compatibility,Customer and client responsiveness and supplier relationship management were weighted the highest respectively