High-performance moment frame-rocking core combination

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 409

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 آبان 1399

چکیده مقاله:

The need for resilient or sustainable seismic design is now at the forefront of structural engineering challenges and will undoubtedly become parts of codes of practice worldwide in the near future. Sustainable seismic design is a relatively new concept that is rapidly gaining interest and hints at the arrival of the next generation earthquake engineering practice. In the present context ‘sustainable seismic’ refers to structural operability with a view to post-earthquake realignment and repairs. This paper introduces two simple analytic concepts, performance control and design led analysis, that lead to the development of sustainable seismic designs for purpose-specific archetypes. Combinations of structures of uniform response and rigid rocking cores are used as ideal models for sustainable seismic design. Global stiffness reduction, Seismic energy control and restoring force adjustment are introduced as relatively simple methodologies that help achieve efficient post-earthquake realignment and repairs. Three simple technologies, the replaceable energy dissipating moment connection, the energy-dissipating grade beams and the hybrid rocking–stepping core, are also introduced.


Marzieh Ansari Targhi

Graduate student, Earthquake Engineering Department, University of Science & Culture

Razieh Ansari Targhi

Graduate student, Earthquake Engineering Department, University of Science & Culture,

Mark Grigorian

Chief Structural Eng., MGA Struct. Eng. Inc., ۱۱۱ N. Jackson St. Glendale, CA ۹۱۲۰۶, US,