Use of qualitative methodology in architectural researches: Grounded theory

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 353

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 آبان 1399

چکیده مقاله:

In recent years, the use of qualitative research and the results obtained from it invarious fields have proven the efficiency, reliability, and expandability of this method.Since in architectural researches there is a need for a method that can interpret thearchitectural space and its relationship with people, introducing an approach to helpresearchers and designers see ordinary issues from a different perspective is crucial.Despite the use of quantitative methods in architectural research, there is still a gapbetween the results and their applicability in this field, it is necessary to consider thepositive impact of qualitative research in areas such as sociology and psychology hencea breakthrough in architectural researchers will be achieved.Grounded Theory is one of the qualitative research methods which take individuals,social and contextual relationships, and feelings into account, the undeniable fact that inarchitectural issues we face these relationships and they have a major effect on theoutcomes. Moreover, Grounded Theory is able to enter the research in the real worldand assume the actions and reactions of their surrounding environment.In this research, first of all, by enumerating the positive points of qualitative researchand introducing the Grounded Theory method, we have tried to acquaint the readers'minds with a history of this method and then explain the effects of it in architecturalresearches.


Mahnaz Vanaei

Department of architecture, faculty of art and architecture, Bu-Ali sina University

Sepideh Niknia

Department of architecture, faculty of art and architecture, Bu-Alisina University