Investigating the role of education and culture in separation from the source of household waste of Iran

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 296

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 15 مهر 1399

چکیده مقاله:

One of the most important strategies for management and waste reduction, which is currently considered as the first priority in urban waste management in many countries, is the separation from the source. The basis of the separation from the source plane is based on the participation of households. Separation of waste from the source is one of the processing techniques that is done to increase the efficiency of waste recycling. If the issue of recycling and the use of recycled materials is not addressed, it will cause the loss of natural resources and irreparable damage to the environment. With proper separation of waste, the cities can be saved from environmental pollution and the urban economic cycle can flourish. According to the Law on Waste Management, city managers must use methods that enable the responsible elements in waste management to succeed and prevent unprincipled disposal and return of capital to the economy, protect the environment, help the economy Society, job creation and citizen participation. Obviously, municipal waste management has a social, cultural, economic, political and organizational nature and the managerial behavior in this system as well as the behavior of citizens will be mutually influential in this system. One of the effective methods in this regard is the correct and principled culture for separating waste from the source of production. The main part of the separation of wet and dry waste currently in Iran is done by the private sector, which separates the dry waste from the tanks in the streets. But the important thing in this regard is to train families to do this separation before disposing of waste. If waste is segregated at the source of production, many costs can be reduced and energy consumption can be saved. Now, if it is possible to carry out trainings on culture-building and implement it by using specialized educators in the field of separation from the source, a great step has been taken in preserving the environment and national resources.

کلیدواژه ها:

Citizen participation ، municipal waste separation from the source ، recycling


Mohammad Taghizadeh

PhD,Urban- planning, Tehran university

Reza Bahmani

PhD student, Excutive managemeant, Islamic azad university central Tehran branch. Waste Management Organization of Robatkarim

Behnaz RaheliNamin

PhD, Environmental pollution, Waste Management Organization of Robatkarim