The Position of Constructivism Components In the math curriculum of the first cycle of high school in Iran and providing a model for achieving the desired level
سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 283
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 شهریور 1399
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Educational systems as the most visible evident of manpower investment in the field of flourishing play a major role in society. On the on hand; curriculum is one of the mainelements in this regard, undoubtedly, they play a key role in the educational system (Fathi&, 2007). On the other hand, curriculums are a heart of the educational system and are the most important tools and elements to realize the goals and also the general missions of the educational system.One of the most important concepts that arises today in the curriculum, is the constructivist view. Constructivism is a learning philosophy that refers to build knowledge individually or socially by learners.. Eisenner and others point out that those teaching methods Relied on learning theories that underscored the student s role in learning are not accepted by this generation (Chmanara, 2005). As a result, new learning theories, such as constructivism, their main emphasis has been on the learner’s role in learning. In any case, the emergence of constructivist theory in education has been faced a lot of welcome. The constructivist theory is based on the ideas of Piaget and Vygotsky that consider student’s role in building and interpreting knowledge. Piaget believed that human learning, during the construction of rational structures one after the other form. He also showed the logic of children and their ways of thinking at first, is different from the logic of adults. Stryven & Etal also believe that after the emergence of constructivist theory, a new realm of new teaching methods has entered the field of education. Hence, lecture-based teaching has been reduced In contrast to teaching on constructivist axes, Active teaching, problem centrism and contractual learning tasks related to items and collaborative activities, has replaced traditional teaching. Given the above matters, it can be argued that in constructivism, knowledge and understanding for each learner unique. Effective teaching is a student-centered activity and students make their own knowledge and understanding.Vandewelle (2001), while paying attention to the learner and other issues raised in this connection, the significance of this view make even more evident. On the other hand,education is the cornerstone of human renewal and modernizing education is one of the key pillars of all-round development that provide through school and planning for the next generation of the country. School is the only community institution that is widely available to children and young people. Therefore, it is responsible for giving nformation to children and adolescents to develop correct habits and beliefs. Since the education system in the Islamic Republic of Iran is centralized. The book is the main subject of the curriculum and the most precious material at the same time was a student and teacher, also the criterion is for evaluating student learning. Therefore, its ongoing investigation review, review and analysis of the contents of textbooks are of particular importance. Because revising the content of textbooks and their reform provides a platform for improving students learning and academic achievement (Keldawy, 2004). Moreover, given the importance of constructivism and related concepts, it is necessary that the available content of textbooks as the most important element of instruction, to be analyzed and investigated for pay attention rate to each of the considered concepts is given.
Maasoumeh Afhsar
Department of University Farhanghan Hamedan