Review the Impact of Adherence to Islamic beliefs Concerning Healthy life Style, General Health and Academic Achievement as well as Factors Affecting Drug Consumption

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 284

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 10 خرداد 1399

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The studies show that university student are belong to the most intelligent and the most talented group of a society, therefore their mental and physical health would play an important role in development and progress of the society. In addition, the universities and educational institutions in every country are in charge of preparing suitable programs for protecting and promoting their health, meanwhile; as one of the four-fold crisis in 21st century has affected all nations particularly university students. Nowadays the risk of addiction has been popular among fewer than 20 years old students since the last two decades. It can be said that even these individuals as a part of top members of the society are not immune from this danger. It is always said that prevention is better and easier than cure. Most researchers believe that the impact of individual role and characteristics on drug consumption are more important than other factors. Individual’s life style is one of those characteristics. Life style is a set of decisions influencing individual’s health, and it can more or less regulate their activities. According to World Health Organization (WHO), life style is a living method along with its significant behavioral patterns which influenced by individual’s personal characteristics, social relation and environmental, social and economic life conditions. The studies show that there is a significant relationship between life style components including physical practices such as exercising and entertainment, stress control, with drug consumption. The next factor is adherence to Islamic beliefs which consists of exposing ceremonial and obvious rites and religious rituals either in private or public places. It has been shown in numerous studies that there is a negative significant relationship between religiosity and drug use. 


Valiollah Khoshtinat

Assistant Professor and faculty member, Department of Theology and Islamic Sciences, Payame Noor University (PNU), I.R, Iran