Complicated Root Canal Morphology of Mandibular First Premolar in Iranian population Using CBCT Method

سال انتشار: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 391

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 بهمن 1398

چکیده مقاله:

Background and Objective: canal therapy of Background and objectives one of the main reasons of the failure in root canal therapy of the first premolar of mandible teeth is missing the additional canals. Therefore, For doing the successful root canal therapy, it is important to know to about the canal morphology for the first premolar of mandible teeth, variation in number and figuration of the canals in every root have been reported. Different ways have been used for studying anatomy and morphology of teeth system. One of these ways is using of CBCT images that causes decreasing the limitation of two dimensional radiography.Materials and Methods: in this plan, 48 the first mandibular premolar teeth have been used that they have been extracted for different reasons that in them, type of the canals in present premolar of mandible teeth in this CBCT photos in dimentionsaxial coronal have been examined.Finding: The results indicated that in the first premolar of mandible teeth the rate of the outbreak the number canals based on CBCT images that 79.2% type 1, 8.3 % type ll, 2.1 % type lll, 2.1% type lV , 2.1 % type V and 6.2% C-Shaped.Conclusion: It is important to have perfect knowledge of the root canal morphology before curing it the result of this study emphasize that the dentist can obtain valuable information about the anatomy and morphology of the root canals based on the CBCT

کلیدواژه ها:

Morphology of root canal ، first mandibular premolar ، CBCT


Faranak Asgari

Ahvaz jundishapour University Of Medical Sciences, School Of Dental Medicine, Ahvaz, Iran

Mohammad Yazdizadeh

Ahvaz jundishapour University Of Medical Sciences, School Of Dental Medicine, Ahvaz, Iran

Parnian Alavinejad

Ahvaz jundishapour University Of Medical Sciences, School Of Dental Medicine, Ahvaz, Iran

Mahshid Razavi

Ahvaz jundishapour University Of Medical Sciences, School Of Dental Medicine, Ahvaz, Iran