پیمان اکبری

کارشناس ارشد مهندسی مکانیک-تبدیل انرژی

Researcher ID: (233034)


مقالات بین المللی خارج از کشور

  •  Peyman. Akbari, Salem. Mehrzad, Farzad. Jamaati, "Numerical simulation of spray dryer to investigate the effects of spray angle in the E-PVC drying process", 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION, DARMSTADT, GERMANY,
  •  Peyman Akbari, Salem Mehrzad, Farzad Jamaati, Masoud Dorfeshan, "Numerical simulation of spray dryer to investigate the effects of spray angle in the E-PVC drying process ", (2021)