Kurdistan Kolbars at the crossroads of death: bloody border, invisible economy and forgotten human rights

5 تیر 1403 - خواندن 4 دقیقه - 148 بازدید

Kurdistan Kolbars at the crossroads of death: bloody border, invisible economy and forgotten human rights

Research, analysis and author : Dr. Nouradin Jafari Hezarany 


ORCID 0009-0687-7755 



In the mountainous and remote areas of Kurdistan, where the border lines of the three countries of Iran, Turkey, and Iraq meet, there is a phenomenon called Kolbari, which is not only an economic activity, but also a security and human rights issue. Carriers, carrying commercial loads, face life-threatening risks and many problems that are often overlooked. This introduction examines the historical and cultural background of Kolbari, its economic motivations and necessities, and its role in Kurdish society.

**Motives and economic needs of Kolberi:**
Despite the many risks, kohlrabi continues to be a source of income for many Kurdish families. This section analyzes the economic motivations and necessities that lead people to this difficult job.

**The role of Kolberi in the Kurdish society:**
Colbert is not only an economic activity, but also a part of the social and cultural fabric of Kurdish regions. This section examines the social and cultural effects of Kolbari on the Kurdish society.

background research

Colberry, as one of the common occupations in the Kurdish regions of Iran, is not only an economic activity but also a social and legal issue that has a long history. This section examines the historical, social and economic background of Kolberi in Kurdish regions and analyzes how it affects the local society and Kurdish culture.

**Colbert history:**
Colbert, as a new job in Kurdish regions, has no roots in the history and culture of these regions. During the Iran-Iraq war, it was established on the borders of Iran and Turkey, and after the first and second Persian Gulf wars, it was officially established on the borders of Iran and Iraq. During the era of Khatami and Ahmadinejad, the cities of the desert regions of Iran made major improvements with large investments and the establishment of mother factories, but the share of the provinces of Sistan and Baluchistan, West Azarbaijan, Kurdistan and Ilam was not as high as the central provinces.

**Economic and social factors:**
Kolberi continues to be a source of income for many Kurdish families due to the lack of proper job opportunities and lack of access to formal markets. This section analyzes the economic and social factors that lead people to this difficult job.

Legal and security challenges:
Kolbers and their families often do not benefit from legal rights and guarantees related to insurance or labor rights. This issue leads to the exploitation of farmers by the goods owners and security forces. This section examines the legal and security problems and challenges that Kolberans are facing.

**Related research and studies:**
In this section, we will examine the research and studies done in relation to colbert and its effects on the local and regional society. Also, we will analyze human rights reports and scientific articles related to Colberi.

This research background will help you to get to know the historical, economic and legal contexts of colbert and gain a better understanding of the challenges and issues related to it. Also, it allows you to go into a deeper analysis of Colbert related issues in the later sections of the article.

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