Islamic architecture in Afghanistan بخش اول مقاله چاپ شده در مجله science publishing در امریکا

4 خرداد 1403 - خواندن 19 دقیقه - 202 بازدید

بخش اول مقاله چاپ شده در مجله science publishing در امریکا 

Islamic architecture in Afghanistan

Looking at Afghan architectural styles

Sayed Zia Hussaini *, sediqah hossaini*


Afghanistan, a country with a 5000-year history, shines in the world with its amazing architecture. However due to the war, it has not been properly introduced to the world. This country has many famous works and buildings that have been registered as world heritage, including the idols of Bamyan, the city of Gholghla, the historical palace of Dar al-Aman, the presidential palace of Paghman, Jam minaret, and Dehak Castle.

With the arrival of Islam in Asia, the architecture of the countries also underwent tremendous changes. Islamic architecture is one of the greatest manifestations of the true emergence of art in the material body. Historically, architecture is the first art that was able to adapt itself to Islamic concepts and was welcomed by Muslims. Islamic architecture can be recognized as one of the most successful architectural styles in the history of world architecture. The most famous scientists, artists, and mystics are from the current geography of Afghanistan, especially northern Afghanistan and the historical region of Balkh. The current research is a case or control study with a simple non-probability sampling method. In this research, Islamic architecture in Afghanistan and architectural styles in this country are examined for the first time in the world

The most important period of magnificent architecture in Afghanistan is the Western Greek period. This research is the result of the author's visits and the design and implementation of more than 50 national and large projects by the author during the years 2010 to 2020.

Keywords: Islamic architecture in Afghanistan - Afghan architectural styles - Historical buildings of Afghanistan - Paghman Palace - Daroal-Aman Palace

1. Introduction

Architecture does not belong to the language region, race, or country; According to Motissos, architecture was and is the real means of measuring a nation. Architecture is a game with shapes and its artistic combination with light. Rather, when we talk about architecture, we discuss the art of creating a space, which can be the ability of every human being, region, and culture. Since the birth of Prophet Adam, man has needed to create a space for the peace of work and hunting, and this art has evolved in chronological order. Da Vinci may be considered the most well-known architect, although, before him, hundreds of engineers were professionally engaged in building buildings for human use. In the past, an architect or a building engineer did all the structural and electrical design work at the same time, but nowadays, due to the growth of science and the diversity of human knowledge, each department needs its engineer. Islamic architecture cannot be architecture by itself; Rather, the art of architecture that was created before under the influence of Islam, the color, volume, and shape of the space has changed and is now considered as Islamic architecture. [1]

For example, the dome was not created in the Islamic era and existed hundreds of years ago; But with the coming of Islam the expansion of mosques in Greek countries, and inspiration from the architecture of the East and the West, it has become one of the main elements of Islamic architecture and has found different types. Undoubtedly, the emergence and occurrence of any phenomenon in the historical field is not a creation of the moment and relies on the phenomena and context before it. "Living architecture is the true representative of its time. We choose that they are adapted to the expected use, made with wise materials, and achieved beauty with the appropriate combination of essential elements." (August Pere)

At the beginning of the first century AD, Gandhara civilization (Gandhara) which includes eastern Afghanistan and Punjab emerged. Among the remaining works, we can mention the Kajaki Dome, Shiyuki Minaret, and Chekri Minaret. At the beginning of Islam (the time of Samanid rule), engineers built famous and prestigious buildings in Balkh, even their style and type of construction are noticeable beyond the borders. Like Ismail Samani's tomb in Bukhara, it was built in other countries. This mosque is very beautiful and decorated with clay foundations. [2]

Over time, the Balkh civilization was transferred to the Seljuk civilization, from which time the Malan bridge, Sistan City, Javaja Siah Pusht minaret, and Zadian minaret can be mentioned, which is one of the most beautiful minarets in the country. The Grand Mosque of Herat is also one of the great works of Ghoris. This mosque also contains the grave of Ghiyasuddin Mohammad Ghori who died in Herat in 1202-3. In the Timurid period (771-911 AH/1370-1506 AD), despite the chaos and internal and external conflicts, it was a period of flourishing culture, art, literature, history, mathematics, and astronomy. The Herat court was a gathering place for prominent artists and writers due to the art culture and artistry of the Timurid rulers. Some of the most beautiful architectural works were created in this period, among which we can mention the Goharshad Mosque in Mashhad and Goharshad Mosque in Herat. Sultan Hossein Baiqara, one of the late Timurid rulers, was also a supporter of art. In the 8th and 9th centuries, the Arabs occupied only the western part of Afghanistan, the complete occupation of Afghanistan began during the time of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi. Artifacts of Ghaznavids: Lashkari bazaar in which there is a bust. [3]

This arch is about 27 meters high, and it is thought that the direction of this arch is towards a building or a mosque that does not exist at the moment. This arch is completely designed and painted. Among the remaining buildings, we can mention the victory minarets in Ghazni, which are about 21 meters long, and unfortunately, the upper part of it was lost in the 20th century. Ghorian works: Jam minaret is one of the engineering masterpieces of Afghanistan. This minaret is about 63 meters high. Among the other works of this period, we can mention the Chesht Sharif school in Baba Khatun. Timurid's works of Herat: Windmills can be mentioned in the west of Afghanistan. Mausoleum of Ulugh Beg in Ghazni, the plan of which was later transferred to India for use in Agra for the construction of the Taj Mahal. The works of the Safavids to the Mughal Empire of India can be mentioned from the forty steps of Kandahar, which was built on the occasion of the victory of Babur Shah, and the marble mosque of Babur Shah in Kabul.

2- Brief history of Afghanistan

Around 600 B.C. Zoroaster appeared and monotheism and the Avesta Bible were promoted, and in this regard, the 16 lands created by Ahura Mazda are mentioned in the Vendidad section. In the prehistoric era, due to the lack of handwriting, no information about it was available, and the assumptions of scientists from this period were based only on the works obtained from archaeological excavations and linguistic studies.

2-1 Paleolithic or Stone Age

It is the first and longest stage of human life, which spans from two million five hundred thousand years to the Neolithic period (Neolithic Age), when humans became familiar with agriculture, twelve thousand years ago. In northern Afghanistan, from the Balkh to the Indian border, there is clear evidence of Stone Age, Neolithic, and Early Bronze Age cultures. In a rock shelter in Karakamar, 14 miles north of Samangan, a Stone Age tool dating back to about 30,000 BC was found. More than 20,000 stone tools obtained from Aq Kuperk in Balkh province are so skillfully made that archaeologists often refer to the makers of these tools in Aq Kuperk as the Michelangelo of the Upper Paleolithic. [4]

2-2 Achaemenid (330-559), Darius (480-552)

Several modern states of Afghanistan are mentioned in the Bistun Stone:

• Herat • Zaranj, Sistan • From Ghazni and Kabul to Peshawar • The land of Sogd including Samarkand • Balkh • Bast, Qatdahar to Zabul. [5]

Outstanding works from the Achaemenid period in northern Afghanistan were found in the Amu Darya treasure in 1880. Also, valuable artifacts from different civilizations were found in Takht Sangin near Takht Kowad, in Kabul Mosukkat Chaman Huzouri in 1933, and Mirzaka in Paktia province in 1947. It should be mentioned that about 4.5 tons of coins and about 500 to 600 kg of gold and silver works and precious dishes were obtained from Mirzake, which were looted during the civil wars of Afghanistan between 1992-93 AD and were sold in Pakistan at a very low price. , about 60% of which was bought by a Japanese capitalist, who built a museum for this treasure by an American engineer in Kyoto, Japan, which is known as the Miho Museum. [6]

2-3 Alexander the Great (326-330)

Alexander the Great was the son of Philip the Great. During his adolescence, Alexander was raised under the supervision of the scholars of his time, including Aristotle. After conquering Greece, he prepared a large army to invade Asia with the idea of universalizing Greek culture. With the defeat of Darius III, the last Achaemenid king, in the war with the Greeks and the fall of Persepolis by Alexander (331 BC), the Achaemenid Empire was also broken. After conquering Gorgan, Alexander moved from its capital, Zadrakerte, and arrived in the city of Susia, one of the satrapy cities of Herat. Alexander built a city near Artakwana and named it Alexandria Ariana, which is today's Herat. This portrait of Alexander the Great on this gold coin, which was obtained from the Mirzke treasure in Paktia Province in 1993, is one of the only two coins in the world that were minted during Alexander's lifetime. [7]

Despite the heavy snow and the lack of provisions and fatigue, Alexander subdued the border Indians and set off for the Hindu Kush mountains, which the Greek historians called Parapamis or the Indian Caucasus, and there he reached a land that even their neighbors did not know because the said people had no relations with They kept away from other people, this people was called Parapamiz.

Despite the harsh climate of this land, Alexander drove into it, and the Macedonian army suffered from famine, severe cold, and a lot of pain and suffering. Iskandar took himself to Kabul and from there to Parwan and spent the winter there. He built a fort in his name near the entrance of the Salang Valley. Alexander built this city to guard the city of Kapisi (Kapisa) on the first slopes of the current Jabal al-Sarraj (Old Parvan), which was known as Alexandria of the Caucasus, which is the same as today's Bagram. Alexander was a city-builder in the countries under his control, and during his time as a conqueror in Afghanistan, seven cities were given to him or his successors, which are known as Alexandria. Alexandria Ariana is one of these cities, which is the present-day Herat. Akhtaruddin Castle has been destroyed several times throughout history. Timur also destroyed it in his attack on Herat, but his son Shah Rukh rebuilt it. . [8]

2-4 Seleucids (232-323)

After the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, a great upheaval swept the country, and Greek settlers and ex-soldiers took control of the West. Finally, they established three kingdoms: Macedonian in Europe, Greek in Egypt, and Seleucid in Asia. In this way, the lands of the east reached Seleucus and these lands became part of the Seleucids' territory, which was ruled from Babylon. Seleucus makes peace with the Mauryas and cedes southern Afghanistan to them in exchange for 500 war elephants. The existence of political, commercial, and artistic facilities caused different strata of the Greek people to migrate to the newly built cities and settle next to the residents, and in this way, the ground for the promotion of Greek culture and art and support for the Greek government was provided. The figure of the princess is an example of these ancient works. [9]

2-5 Western Greek kings from 256 onwards, Diodotus I in 256 BC. declared independence. Another powerful king was named Eutydmus 195-230. Ai Khanum (Lady Moon) was named Via and later. [10]

2-6 Maurya of India (275-185) Ashoka conquered parts of Afghanistan, Kandahar inscription in two languages is a witness to it.

2-7 Parthians from around 200 BC. M. until 225 AD 160 A.H. AD-225 AD: in Herat and Badghis districts and 155 AD. M. - 20 m. : in Sistan region; and 155-90 A.H. M.: They ruled in Kandahar and Bust. [11]

2-8 Kushans The Great Kushans ruled from about 80 to 225 AD and the Little Kushans from 225 to about 400 AD. Kaneshka ruled from about 127 to 140 AD.

The Kushans were the main supporters and promoters of art. When ordering works of art, the Kushans ordered their faces and clothes to be placed next to the Buddha and his companions. This new independence gave rise to a unique style of Gandhara art.

Buddhist temples in Heda, which is a Greco-Buddhist archaeological site located in the ancient land of Gandhara, ten kilometers south of Jalalabad city in eastern Afghanistan, was one of the largest Buddhist temples and shrines in the world, during the first to third centuries AD. With its key location on the 2,000-mile journey of Buddhist pilgrims and missionaries from India to China, Hada was considered an active center for the translation and reproduction (copying) of Buddhist writings as well as the art of sculpting. More than 23,000 Greco-Buddhist figures made of clay and plaster, architectural decorations and Sardis, and statues of men, women, children, various demons, elderly people, with imaginable expressions and clothes, of every class and position, of every face from It showed every corner of the world.

2-9 Sasanians 220 to 650.

The defeat of the Kushans and the capture of the Kushan city by the Sassanids. Information about this is found in the Iran Shahr writing in Pahlavi script, the original of which has been lost, and its Armenian translation by Musa Khorne from the fifth century AD. is left

2-10 Kidarians from about 465-360 AD.

In Balkh, Badakhshan, Kabul, and Jalalabad, the end of Kushan Sassanid rule created a power vacuum in the late 4th century AD, which was soon filled by the first Hun tribe. Their origin was in Central Asia or the Black Sea region and they were known as Kidarians. During the 20th decade of the 5th century AD (420s), the Kidaris came to power in northern Afghanistan before moving eastward and conquering Peshawar. The Kidarians fought against the Sasanians from 456 AD onwards. At the height of their power, the centuries-old rule of the Kidaris extended from the Amu Darya to the Aral Lake, and their capital was located in Fararod (transcending the river), in an area that historical texts call "South of Hunuk 'Red'" (unknown location) and in the 5th AD, it was moved to the west of the "white" cave (unknown location). In this region, the Kidaris faced the attack of a new nomadic tribe called the Haftalians in 450 AD.

2-11 Hephtalians (White Huns) or Khion:

A.H. 475-565: in Balkh and Badakhshan; 535-450 AD: in Kabul, Jalalabad, Ghazni, and Kandahar districts; and 565-485 AD: in Badghis region. The Buddhas of Bamyan and the artifacts of Fandhestan are probably from the same period. A.H. 475-565: in Balkh and Badakhshan; 535-450 AD: in Kabul, Jalalabad, Ghazni, and Kandahar districts; and 565-485 AD: in Badghis region[12]

Bamyan, where the two big Buddha statues were probably built at the end of the Hephtalian rule. The paintings of Bamyan caves are the first paintings in the world in which oil paint is used. Manuscripts obtained between the 1980s and the late 1990s from the era of the Hephtalians and the Kushan Shahs in Afghanistan show that the Hephtalians wrote the Western language (Balkhi) in the Greek script, which was traditionally used as an administrative script in this region since the Kushan period. In his trip to Kabul in the winter of 644 AD, Huan Tseng described this city as follows: "The weather is very cold and icy, the men here are naturally strong and fierce, and the king is a Turk. Their faith is firm in Buddhism. He values learning." He is a lover of art". The two large Buddha statues in Bamyan, 55 meters and 38 meters high, were considered the largest Buddha statues and the tallest stone statues in the world and were one of the main tourist attractions in Afghanistan for a long time. Around the statues, there are hundreds of caves where it is said that before Islam, Buddhist monks worshiped and taught Buddhist teachings. [13]

​ The body of Budasef obtained from Fandeshtan shrine in Parwan province, in the 7th century AD, is in the Gimme museum in Paris. This figure is full of religious paintings and in most of these paintings, the images of women and men are painted. Some of these paintings relate to moments from the life of the Buddha. Numerous rock temples are located in the Bamyan valley, in the heart of the Hindu Kush mountain range, on a difficult route, which connects the ancient lands of Kapisa and Bactria. and were still active until the 8th and 8th centuries AD. These temples were influenced by the Sassanid art of Iran and later by Gandhara and Post-Gupta Indian culture. Fundoqestan: It is a small temple on the way to Bamyan, whose beautiful statues are made of painted unbaked clay, dating back to the 8th century AD, with an impressionable feature of many symbiotic Iranian, Indian, and Central Asian styles.