Experimental Study of theEffect o f Hydrophilic Silic a Nanopa rticles on Foam Performa nce in Alkaline-Surfactant-Gas flooding

  • سال انتشار: 1391
  • محل انتشار: پانزدهمین سمینار شیمی فیزیک ایران
  • کد COI اختصاصی: ISPTC15_0136
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 144
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a Siosema rdan

Department of chemical engineering faculty, Sahand university of tec hnology, Tabriz, Iran

S.A Tabatabae Nejad

Department of chemical engineering faculty, Sahand university of tec hnology, Tabriz, Iran

E Khodapanah

Department of chemical engineering faculty, Sahand university of tec hnology, Tabriz, Iran


Alkali-S urfactant-Ga s (ASG) flo oding is one of the no vel chemical techniques in Enhance d Oil Reco very. In this techniqu e, the co-injection of g as and chemical slug results in t he formation of foam. Foam reduces the mobilityof injected chemical solutions and improves the displacement ef ficiency of the process.Foams in practice are generally g enerated an d stabilize d with sur factants.Ho wever,surfactant stabili zed foams have some weakness.If nanoparticles were utilized instead of or wit h surfactants , foams stab ilized with such particles could have a number of important advantages. The main purpose of this research is creatio n of stable foam with nanoparticles and utilizing this nan oparticle stabilized foam for mobility control o f injected fluids in enhanced oil recovery applications. Fi nally, the pe rformance of the foam that is cre ated and s tabilized with mixture of surfacta nt and nanoparticles was compared withthe f oam that is created a nd stabilized withonly surfactant in alkaline- surfactan t-gas proce ss in terms of oil recov ery from co reflood expe riments. In this research, hydrophilic silica na noparticles with an average size of ۱۰ nm w ere used.Th e mixture of surfactan t and hydro philic silic a nanoparticles in various concentration were used to foam generatio n.The results of the ex periments showed that the concen tration of surfactant an d nanoparticles should be selected optimize. I n theexperim ents, most oil recovery was obtaine d when th e concentration of both surfactant and hydrop hilic silica n anoparticles in chemical solution was selected ۰.۵ weight percent.

کلیدواژه ها

Enhanced Oil Recovery, Che mical Flooding, Foam, Nanoparticles, Mobility Control

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