investigation of efficiency of different modified biosorbents(rice straw, corn cob) in sulfate reduction of mining and industrial waste water.

  • سال انتشار: 1399
  • محل انتشار: دومین کنفرانس بین المللی فناوری های نوآورانه در زمینه علوم، مهندسی و تکنولوژی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: TETSCONF02_032
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 468
دانلود فایل این مقاله


Armin Faridi

Department of mining engineering, Science and research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran.

Shaahin Mesroghli

Department of mining engineering, Science and research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran.

Hadi Hamidian Shoormasti

Department of mining engineering Islamic azad university,Qaemshahr Branch, Qaemshahr ,Iran


Purification of industrial and mining wastewater for environmental concerns and reusing has been one of the major challenges. In many Researches variety of solution had been introduced. One of these method is adsorption for purifying of wastewater from chemical ingredients. The cost of purification of mining wastewater, has increased the necessity of introducing and exploring for new cheaper adsorbents. In this paper efficiency of rice straw and corn cob and their modifications as adsorbents, for sulfate reduction has been investigated. In this research 2 approaches have been introduced and the adsorption process was done on Synthesis solution of sulfate . In first approach corn cob and rice straw were mixed, then modified based on erlier research. For second approach, corn cob and rice straw were mixed, and it was modified based on past research. In the adsorption process parameters such as stirring, temperature, Was investigated and pH was 6. The results for the reduction of sulfate ions in the first approach are absorption above 50-60%, in the second approach higher than 97%% sulfate adsorption were achieved.

کلیدواژه ها

sulfate, wastewater ,adsorption , corn cob , rice straw

مقالات مرتبط جدید

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