Dimensionality analysis of subsurface structures in magnetotellurics using different methods (a case study: oil field in Southwest of Iran)

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 431

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 مرداد 1397

چکیده مقاله:

Magnetotelluric (MT) method is an electromagnetic technique that uses the earth natural field to map the electrical resistivity changes in subsurface structures. Because of the high penetration depth of the electromagnetic fields in this method (tens of meters to tens of kilometers), the MT data is used to investigate the shallow to deep subsurface geoelectrical structures and their dimensions. In order to have a higher accuracy in modeling the MT data, dimensions of the subsurface structures should be determined. The objective of this research work is to determine the dimensions of subsurface structures in an oil field located in the southwest of Iran. Using parameters such as the normalized weighted index, ellipticity, and Wall s rotational invariant measure, this goal could be achieved. Using the ellipticity factor at the frequency range of 1-320 Hz, the earth can be represented as a 2D form. However, at lower frequencies, the earth should be represented as a 3D form. In most MT stations, the normalized weighted index has indicated that the earth is in a 2D form on the surface or shallow subsurface, although it is represented by a 3D shape at higher depths. In this regard, the Wall s rotational invariant measure shows more heterogeneity. This measure indicates that the earth is in the 2D and 3D forms on the surface or shallow subsurface, and is perfectly 3D at higher depths, although the earth dimensions cannot be determined in some certain frequency ranges. The earth in both the shallow and deep parts of the studied area has a high heterogeneity.

کلیدواژه ها:


M Filbandi Kashouli

School of Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering, University of Shahrood, Shahrood, Iran

A Kamkar Rouhani

School of Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering, University of Shahrood, Shahrood, Iran

A Moradzadeh

School of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

H Assi

National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), Tehran, Iran