Study on Population Density of Wood-boring and bark beetles insects in Hosts Plant and Effective Control Strategies in Tehran Green space

سال انتشار: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 456

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 آذر 1398

چکیده مقاله:

Tehran s green space ecosystem has undergone major changes over the years, with the importance of maintaining trees in the urban green space as one of the most important peripherals of oxygen supply and aesthetic beauty in Tehran s metropolitan area. Regarding to Tehran’s green space per capita, this matter will be exposed to Wood-boring and bark beetles insects’ attacks annually. The causes of spreading these pests are the decay of the trees and the lack of proper nutrition of the vegetation based on scientific principles and this in most cases which causes severe stress and weakness in trees. Insects from the coleopteran order of the two families Cerambycidae, Buperstidae and the lepidopteran of the two families Aegeriidae and Cossidae cause the most damage in most parts of the country. In this study, the distribution of common and active wood-boring species was studied according to plant diversity and most of the observations were related to:Hylesinus fraxini,Ospheranteria coerulescens and Capnodis cariosa, and the carrier of Dutch scleroderma Scolytus scolytus. The presence of these pests is due to the over-cultivation of ash tree, elm, sycamore, maple, poplar and willow, which have the highest dispersal index per capita in Tehran green space. Since these pests live inside the tree s texture, they are extremely difficult to control as they are safe from any surface spraying. Chemical control with arsenic compounds such as zoosarine and injection into each of the infected pore of trees is difficult because of the large number of trees and is in most cases virtually impossible. Therefore, the best solution is to strengthen trees by applying fertilizers such as potassium sulfate and Humic acid (periodically) and spraying by Zarbar fertilizer in the initiative spraying procedure (drosophila or Chloropyrifus) in 5000 concentration and finally install Plastic coating on infected tree trunks (two weeks) and bonding operations (poison and oil combination) can be a good strategy to manage these pests in urban green space.

کلیدواژه ها:

Urban Pest ، Wood-boring and bark beetles insects ، Green Space ، Control Strategies


Fardin Faizi

Green Space Education and Counseling Research Center, District ۶ of Tehran Municipality,Iran

Zeynab Keykhosravi

Green Space Education and Counseling Research Center, District ۱۷ of Tehran Municipality,Iran

Shahrbano beygom Mophidiyan

Green Space Education and Counseling Research Center, District ۶ of Tehran Municipality,Iran

Asghar Saleh

Green Space Education and Counseling Research Center, District ۱۷ of Tehran Municipality,Iran