Combination of Exosomes, Gene Vectors and Stem Cells, As A Novel Therapy for Neuroinflammation

  • سال انتشار: 1398
  • محل انتشار: سومین همایش بین المللی التهاب سیستم عصبی و سومین فستیوال دانشجویی علوم اعصاب
  • کد COI اختصاصی: NIMED03_257
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 421
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Masood Ghodsi Moghadam

Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran


In the treatment field of neuroinflammation diseases, three themes attracted researchers: extracellular vesicles (particularly exosomes), gene delivery vectors and stem cells (SCs). These approaches were applied in many studies, alternatively. Although each was observed to have meaningful results, some problems like immunogenicity, passing the blood-brain barrier (BBB), tumor potential, remained. It seems that combining these major strategies makes treatment more effective. this article reviewed hybrid strategies utilized for treatingAlzheimer, Parkinson, multiple sclerosis, as follows: Liposomes have some restrictions for plasmid, RNAs, proteins delivery. Liposomes cannot cross the BBB, may stimulate the immune system against themselves, thus having low-efficiency. Exosomes don’t have theseweaknesses and probably are better choice for treatment. Micro-vesicle associated AAV (adeno-associated virus) vectors were observed as a novel method for gene delivery since they are covered by membrane, they can be targeted for specific cells and escape from theimmune system. SCs are increasingly used for cell formation in neurodegeneration. Moreover, by inducing genetic vectors into autologous SCs, they are modified (ex vivo) to be cellular carriers of the genes and be able to decelerate the disease process, too. In anotherstudy, scientists transfected M (mesenchymal)SCs with lentiviruses, therefore inside glioma cells medium, MSCs expressed shRNA for silencing Huntington protein. They observed that MSC-derived exosomes, acted as indirect shRNAs carriers. This approach used all of the three mentioned themes. Applying neural SCs with different vectors may result significantly in clinical trials. This article also hypothesized that exosomes may solve some challenges related to human induced pluripotent SCs usage. Special exosomes transfer tumor regression factors, so possibility of tumor development can be eliminated by them. Conclusion: Furthermore, SCs variability is another major challenge in tissuetransplantation. Exosomes which carry epigenetic factors, induce better differentiation by reducing chance of variability.

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