Study of nano- silver particles on growth parameters of lippie citrodora

  • سال انتشار: 1395
  • محل انتشار: اولین کنفرانس ملی یافته های نوین زیست شناسی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: BIOC01_340
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 285
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Soudeh Lashkary

Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Alzahra,Tehran, Iran

Monir Hosseinzadeh Namin

Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Alzahra,Tehran, Iran


Behlimo plant (Lippia citrodora) is a member of Verbenaceae family. This plant has been used in medicine for relaxing, anticonvulsant, lifter palpitations, anti-diarrhea and anti-microbial. In present study, in order to investigation of silver nanoparticles effects on Behlimo growth parameters at pot condition, two different concentrations of nano particle silver 10ppm and 15ppm and also control (non-nano silver) with ten replicates for each treatment were used. Each pot contained one Behlimo plant 4 months old. Plants treated with nano silver solutions twice time with one month interval. After ten days from last treatment, the growth parameters were measured. The results showed that The number of new branches with 10ppm nano silver on average was (14), with 15ppm was (10) and control (9). The numbers of leaves on average were (42), (46) and (28) for 10ppm, 15ppm and control respectively. The stem length on average was for 10ppm (41 Cm), for 15ppm (43 Cm) and for control (25Cm) respectively. The leaves area on average were for 10ppm (12209mm), for 15ppm (9866/66mm) and for control (4848/33mm) respectively. The results of nano silver application showed that especially 10ppm nano silver affected positively on The number of new branches & leaves area growth parameters compared to 15 ppm nano silver & control. The results showed that the use of 15 ppm nano silver affected positively on numbers of leaves and stem length parameters compared to 10 ppm nano silver & control. The best of our knowledge this is the first report of nano silver application on Behlimo plant.

کلیدواژه ها

Lippia citrodora, nano silver, growth parameters

مقالات مرتبط جدید

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