Study of the relationship between family conflicts and inter-parental conflicts withattitudes toward divorce among single students

  • سال انتشار: 1395
  • محل انتشار: دومین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت و علوم انسانی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: ICMHCONF02_244
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 458
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.G Abbasi

Shaheed Chmaran University

D Husain

AhvazJondishapour University of Medical Sciences

B Bakhshipour

University of Pyam NoorSaari

N Bagheri Gajari

University Ghuchan


Aim: Divorce is one of the greatest social threats that leads to the loss of family, the most basicunit of society (Jones, 2002). Divorce is the final termination of marriage, canceling the legalduties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bond of marriage between men andwomen and is one of the most difficult problems that a family can face with. Today, the world iswitnessing an increasing and alarming rate of divorce and many studies have discussed thissocial phenomenon. Many researchers have tried to focus on the most common causes ofdivorce. In this regard, our study is aimed at answering these three questions: Is there anyrelationship between conflict in family environment and single student’s attitude towardsdivorce? Is there any relationship between parent’s conflict and single student’s attitude towardsdivorce? Can variables like inter-parental conflicts and family environment conflicts act as apredictor of single student’s attitude towards divorce?Methods: This study is a descriptive, cross-correlation and statistical population is all students ofyears 90-91 (2011-12) of Payam Noor University, Sari. A total of 215 samples were selectedusing stratified random sampling and mean age of participants was 22 years. Three tools wereused to measure the variables of this study. Likelihood of Divorce Scale, Perceptions of Interparental Conflict-Intensity/Frequency Scale (PIC-I/F) and Family conflict scale.Results: family environment conflict and attitude to divorce have a positive and significantrelationship (P< 0.001) and inter- parental conflict and attitude to divorce have a positive andsignificant relationship (P< 0.001).Conclusion: It is recommended that student counseling centers hold workshops to help studentsenrich their knowledge and information on how to keep and strengthen their marriage.

کلیدواژه ها

family environment, conflict, attitude, divorce

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