The relationship between using modern teaching approach based on ICT and effective learning with regard to seriousness of education in students of empirical sciences in Farhangian University

  • سال انتشار: 1395
  • محل انتشار: چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی علوم و مهندسی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: ICESCON04_422
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 589
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Hidar Ali Sheikhi

Department of Physics, Frahnagian University, Professor

Amirhossein Payandeh

Department of Physics, Frahnagian University, BSc Student

Sayed Mohammadali Najafi

Department of Physics, Frahnagian University, BSc Student


Good teaching is one of the educational sector infrastructure development universities have been important efforts to develop targeted as its biased assumptions underlying the development of university is introduced. Technology as a key resource in the development of teaching and scientific institutions were more important. On the other hand, technology management and direction of technological activities requires the allocation of teaching resources available this is no available technology to assess and prioritize not feasible. In this paper, a set of indicators in a model is presented in such a way that they can be evaluated and prioritized based on classification of the key technologies in education sector and payments these technologies in the teaching sector needs and priorities educational institutions can be determined, for the purpose of taking advantage of the expertise of experts in various stages of training, to develop a local model suitable to the needs of this area Feasible and appropriate to the needs of the application domain needs. advances in today's increasingly diverse Scientific, technical , educational and etc., have been made, educational planners and academics, experts and scholars of education has led to Structure, goals, programs, content and methods of the educational system Day and with these improvements are coordinated and aligned . One of the most important instructional strategies to help planners and there is a remarkable use of educational technology in Quality and quantity issues in education. To In other words, educational technology, systematic and logical approach to solving Training and curriculum problems associated with systematic approach and is designed for long-term and comprehensive training system that the entire system training will affect the community, is concerned. This is the role the problem is solved by educational technology. The role of educational technology to help improve the efficiency of the whole process of teaching and learning’s.

کلیدواژه ها

Model Technology Assessment, Evaluation and Prioritization, Technology, Education and Teaching, IT Communication

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