Heroes In Children Literature - Case Study:Chronicles of Narnia

  • سال انتشار: 1394
  • محل انتشار: همایش بین المللی جستارهای ادبی، زبان و ارتباطات فرهنگی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: LANGUAGE01_380
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 317
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Nasser Shojaie

Ma Student-Architecture Faculty-Islamic Azad University of Kerman-Iran


Quiddity of the children fictions is apart from the main storyline and it is somehow based on the Characters specialties and specially the Hero ones. This genre’s audience is usually teens in the range of [1]12-18 years old and they normally do not take care of what the story going to tell them, what main concept is and what purpose of the book is! [2]Instead they do care about characters and also about their behavior, how they wear their costumes, how they speak and an important point is the audience’s way of thinking could be influenced by them no matter they are protagonists or antagonists of the book. They will follow them. By considering that this range of age is a highly active one both mentally and physically, the audience will start imagine and imagine and also they will make some mind bridges with their favorite characters and try to do what they are not able to do in their real life in their mind through the abilities of their heroes. This could be considered as a good act which brings peace for the mind of that person. So here there is the main point of this paper which is making Heroes specially the cool ones is really important for kids and teens and how heroes in fictions can help these group to have a more creative and useful mind.The chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis is the case study of this paper

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