Smart Cities and Cross-Sector Collaboration: A Content Analysis of Public-Private Partnerships

  • سال انتشار: 1401
  • محل انتشار: هشتمین کنگره سالانه بین المللی عمران، معماری و توسعه شهری
  • کد COI اختصاصی: ICSAU08_0268
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 141
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Javad Hosseini

PhD in Geography and Urban Planning, Isfahan Azad University (Khwarisgan)


In this article, we have discussed various aspects of the literature review of public and private participation in smart city projects. It started with the definition of literature review as a critical analysis and evaluation of existing literature on a specific topic, and then discussed the importance of literature review in research and how to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the state of knowledge on a specific topic. has been emphasized. Then we discussed the specific components of a literature review and in the introduction, we emphasized the need to provide a clear and concise statement of the research question or the purpose of the review. It is also discussed about the importance of framing the review in the wider context of this field and identifying the importance of the topic for researchers and professionals, and in the next section, about the importance of conducting a comprehensive search for related literature and the different strategies and tools that can be used to do such A search is used, discussed. Also discussed is the need for careful assessment and critical appraisal of the quality of the literature to ensure that only the most relevant and authoritative sources are included in the review. The next section of the literature review is the results section, where the main findings of the review are summarized and grouped into themes or sub-themes. In the case of examining public-private partnerships in smart city projects, findings may include the benefits and challenges of public-private partnerships, factors that influence their success, and examples of literature to support each finding. After summarizing the main findings, the discussion section provides an interpretation of the results in light of the research question or review objective. This section also identifies gaps in the literature and areas for future research, discusses the implications of the findings for theory, policy or practice, and examines how the findings can inform the development and implementation of smart city projects involving public-private partnerships. inform Finally, the conclusion section summarizes the main findings and their implications, provides recommendations for future research or action, and highlights the contribution of the review article to the field. This section highlights how this review enhances our understanding of public-private partnerships in smart city projects and provides insights that can inform future research and practice. As a result, literature review is an essential component of research that provides a comprehensive and critical analysis of existing literature on a specific topic. Through literature review, researchers can identify gaps in the literature, build on existing knowledge, and make recommendations for future research or action. Regarding the review of public-private partnerships in smart city projects, this review provides insights that can inform the development and implementation of smart city projects and highlights the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors in driving innovation and sustainable development.

کلیدواژه ها

smart cities, cross-sector collaboration, content analysis, public-private partnerships

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