The role of education in preventing social harms of self-deprecation and hidden anger in adolescent girls

  • سال انتشار: 1401
  • محل انتشار: فصلنامه تحقیقات جدید در علوم انسانی، دوره: 8، شماره: 38
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_JHSR-8-38_003
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 118
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مریم ارشیا لاشیدانی

PhD student in educational sciences, curriculum planning, Islamic Azad University, science and research department, Iran.

معصومه السادات ابطحی

Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences, Curriculum Planning Department, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Iran.


The purpose of the current research is to get to know the role of schools and teachers in controlling and reducing social harms. Students are the most important and sensitive elements in the education system and national assets of this country. The school, as one of the most important official and educational institutions of the country, which all children enter when they reach school age, is obliged to protect them from risky and socially unhealthy behaviors by raising the level of knowledge and awareness of students with necessary and useful measures keeps. If we do not take necessary measures to prevent, control and reduce social harms today, we will undoubtedly lose valuable material, spiritual, human and social capitals which are our children. Therefore, in this article, the role of the country's education system in the prevention of social harms, predisposing factors for the occurrence of social harms, school and social harms, the role of the teacher in the prevention and control of social harms have been examined in this article. The results indicate that the school, due to its important educational and educational functions and its position among students, plays an important role in the field of promoting their ability and taking care of them against social harm, and paying more attention to this institution is very dangerous. It requires next to the family institution. The effort has been to not only express injuries; Rather, a treatment solution to correct these injuries should be provided. Finally, some suggestions have been presented in the hope of improving and reducing social harm among students

کلیدواژه ها

social damage, school, student, family, آسیب اجتماعی, مدرسه, دانش آموز, خانواده

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