Situation Assessment of Schools in Isfahan Educational Secondary Districts in Probable Disaster and Emergency Evacuation

  • سال انتشار: 1396
  • محل انتشار: فصلنامه امداد و نجات، دوره: 10، شماره: 1
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_JORAR-10-1_001
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 266
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Masoud taghvaei

University of Isfahan

Ali Jovzi Khameslouei

University of Isfahan


Background: Natural and manmade disasters planning and organizing are especially important in crisis management of urban land use. In addition, educational section is more sensitive among urban land use. However, students and staff in school and educational centers are the main human capital of a county or region that should be in the top priority of relief efforts in crisis management and emergency evacuation programs. Methods: In this documentary and analytical survey, data are categorized in both fundamental and management indicators. About 142 schools in Isfahan educational secondary districts have been surveyed during a five-month period. The information has been analyzed after classifying, computing, plotting the chart in SPSS by using the leveling formula. In addition, maps are drawing in ArcGIS.    Findings: The findings showed that the schools reviewed are not well positioned due to fundamental indicators; their vulnerability to potential crises is high. In other words, in ten fundamental indicators, only population distribution and heating systems are appropriate and the eight indicators are not appropriate in these centers. Among the 142 schools, just 33 schools have enough management standards and 109 remaining schools have no standards. Conclusion: The results indicated that that resilience of school in Isfahan educational secondary districts is low due to fundamental indicators. On the other hand, these centers did not have enough management standards therefore have high vulnerability. Eventually, due to all criteria (both fundamental and management indicators) the situation of schools studied is inappropriate, vulnerable, and critical.

کلیدواژه ها

crisis management, emergency evacuation, fundamental indicators, management indicators, Isfahan educational secondary districts, مدیریت بحران, تخلیۀ اضطراری, شاخص‌های بنیادین, شاخص‌های مدیریتی, ناحیۀ دو آموزشی اصفهان.

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