On the Impact of Global Coherence on Translation Comprehension of the Holy Quran: A Case Study of PhD-ESP Learners

  • سال انتشار: 1399
  • محل انتشار: پژوهش های زبانشناختی قرآن، دوره: 9، شماره: 2
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_NRGS-9-2_004
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 238
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اصغر مهری

دانشگاه قم

سجاد فرخی پور

دانشکده شهید محلاتی قم، قم، ایران

سید مصطفی سجادی دهخوارقانی

حوزه علمیه قم، قم ایران


< p> Despite the huge bulk of research conducted on translation quality assessment, the< br /> literature on the translation of the Holy Quran is in its infancy. Since jurists, commentators,< br /> and Quranic interpreters analyze individual Quranic verses as a whole discourse and in< br /> relation to other verses and Surahs, it is deemed necessary for translators to follow the same< br /> procedure and consider the wholeness of the text in their translation of individual verses.< br /> Coherence is among linguistic properties that contribute to the wholeness of the Quran as a< br /> unique discourse. A literature review shows that coherence has a direct effect on the quality of< br /> translations. Thus, this research intended to investigate the effect of coherence on the< br /> translation quality of some famous translations of the Holy Quran from an instructional< br /> viewpoint. To this aim, a mixed-methods study was employed in which the effect of< br /> coherence on reading comprehension of ۱۲ Ph.D. candidates enrolled in an ESP course was< br /> studied. In the qualitative phase, utilizing linguistic markers, samples of coherent translations< br /> were extracted from the ۳۰th chapter of the Quran. Then, two reading comprehension tests< br /> were developed from the coherent samples and the corpus without coherent markers. In the< br /> next step, these tests were administered to participants. The data were analyzed through a ttest. Findings showed that coherent translations enjoy post-posed/pre-posed concessive, sense< br /> continuity, backgrounding, explicitation, and addition as coherence markers. Also,< br /> quantitative findings showed a significant difference between the tests taken by the< br /> participants at two different times (t (۱۱) = ۴.۲۰۴ and p = ۰.۰۰۱) proving the meaningful< br /> effect of coherence on translation comprehension.< /p>

کلیدواژه ها

Coherence, the Holy Quran, Translation, Linguistic Analysis, Mixed Method

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