Ice in the solar system

9 اردیبهشت 1403 - خواندن 2 دقیقه - 201 بازدید

At a distance of 33 light years from us, there is a planet called "Gliese 436 b". This planet is made up of various water elements that form burning ice. In other words, the ice on this planet remains solid because of the pressure, while its surface temperature is extremely high; It means 300 degrees Celsius!

This luminous planet is very close to its parent star. Its temperature is 300 degrees Celsius and therefore it can have water vapor particles in its atmosphere.

Meanwhile, in the depths of this planet, water is accumulated in the state of warm ice. Warm ice on Earth forms only under laboratory conditions.

These scientists hope to achieve better results regarding the nature of this celestial object by continuing their research using the Corvette satellite, which was launched to discover new planets.

But the latest image sent by NASA's Messenger spacecraft shows the shadowy 70-mile Prokofiev crater located at the North Pole of this planet, this time in optical form.

This image may not be able to prove anything with our little knowledge, but it seems that NASA scientists have convinced that almost newly produced ices (and not during the formation of the planet) sat in this cavity.

Undoubtedly, more information with newer images that Messenger transmits to Earth can reveal the secret of the hottest planet close to the Sun.

Ice in the solar systemNASA warm ice