مقالات دوماهنامه مکانیک سیالات کاربردی، دوره 14، شماره 1
5.Numerical Investigation of Bile Secretion and Pressure Rise in Obstructed Human Common Bile Duct FullText
6.Laminar Flow over a Square Cylinder Undergoing Combined Rotational and Transverse Oscillations FullText
7.Hydrodynamic Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in an Industrial Electrowinning Cell with New Scheme FullText
12.Numerical Investigation on Film Cooling Mechanism with Different Coolant Delivery Configurations FullText
17.Effect of Pipeline External Geometry on Local Scour and Self-Burial Time Scales in Current FullText
18.Analysis of Unsteady Flow Structures in a Centrifugal Impeller Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition FullText
23.An Investigation of Transition Flow in Porous Media by Event Driven Molecular Dynamics Simulation FullText
24.A Numerical Study on the Performance of a Magnesium-Based Automotive Cooling Fan with Bead Structure FullText
25.Low Reynolds Number Turbulence Models to Simulate the Bubble Plume Behavior with the Euler-Euler Method FullText
تاریخ نمایه سازی مقالات: 15 دی 1400 - تعداد نمایش اطلاعات ژورنال: 552