A Review on Toxicity of Graphene-Based Nano Materials

  • سال انتشار: 1398
  • محل انتشار: پانزدهمین همایش سراسری سم شناسی ایران
  • کد COI اختصاصی: TOXICOLOGY15_112
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 405
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Elham Masoudipour

Legal Medicine Research Center, Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, Iran

Ali Karamyan

Department of Clinical Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran

Soheila Kashanian

Faculty of Chemistry, Sensor and Biosensor Research Center (SBRC) & Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Center (NNRC), Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


In biomedical fields, graphene and its derivatives are attracting great attention to develop nanocarriers for biomedical applications, biological imaging and so on. One of the main aspects that should be considered in utilizing new biomedical materials is their biocompatibility. Therefore, understanding the toxicity of graphene and its derivatives is important. Different factors play rules on the graphene-based materials cytotoxicity including their size, shape, edges sharpness, surface charge and functionalization, dispensability, aggregation of layers and the number of them, synthesis and modification process and the percent of purity. Difference in morphology, shape, and size and the functional groups on the surface of graphene-based materials could impact on their interactions with proteins and cells and change their cellular uptake aspects. Based on current researches, this article provides a literature review on the toxicity of graphene and its derivatives on cells, bacteria and environment.

کلیدواژه ها

Graphene, Nanomaterials, Toxicity

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