Poisonous plants of Iran

  • سال انتشار: 1398
  • محل انتشار: پانزدهمین همایش سراسری سم شناسی ایران
  • کد COI اختصاصی: TOXICOLOGY15_006
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 806
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Faraz Mojab

School of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: There is no complete information on the type of toxic plants in Iran from which poisoning has been reported. The books of Iranian poisonous plants actually refer to the same toxic plants that exist in the world (and in Iran, too). There are reports of herbal poisoning in Iran that we are not sure about.Poisons information centers and cloinics are not very plant-based and cite statistics in general as plant poisoning . However, any plant can be toxic. Toxicity to toxic plants in the world (which exist in Iran) may not occur in Iran for any reason. Other poisonings in Iran are more important than plant poisonings. The importance of toxic plants in animal nutrition is also important.Material and methods: Books, dissertations, medical reports, sites, and articles were reviewed as far as they were available in order to find (really) imitate Iran s toxic herbs. Numerous examples were obtained, some of which were common, and there were similarities and differences between those obtained and those of other countries. This is the first report of poisonous plants in Iran that poisoning has really occurred in Iran.Results: Plants from which poisoning has been reported in Iran are as follows (obviously, there are other toxic plants that have not been toxic or have not been reported) :Albizia julibrissin, Robinia pseudoacacia, Allium ursinum, Toxic Fungi ( that sometimes poisoning is reported for economic and social reasons), Castor bean, Eucalyptus Leaf (inhaler), Senna Leaf, Nigella sativa, Nutmeg, Datura, Colocynth, Euphorbia sp., Ammivisnaga, Diplotaenia damavandica, Mistletoe, Hemlock, Senecio (ragworts), Vicia faba, Colchicum, Oleander, dieffenbachia, Thevethia peruviana, bitter almonds, Atropa, wild lettuce, pigweed, Teucrium polium, etc.Discussion: Poisoning of plants in Iran is not much higher than other poisonings. Although it should reach its minimum level. Plant poisoning in Iran needs to be carefully and separately recorded in clinics and other reports to obtain a clear and accurate profile of these toxic plants. Poisoning of plants in Iran is almost similar to plant poisoning in the world but most of them do not occur in Iran but some poisonings have been reported from native plants of Iran.

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