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The Effectiveness of Spirituality Therapy on the Quality of Life and Anxiety among Patients with Cancer

عنوان مقاله: The Effectiveness of Spirituality Therapy on the Quality of Life and Anxiety among Patients with Cancer
شناسه ملی مقاله: ARCIORSMED02_093
منتشر شده در دومین همایش پژوهشی سالیانه دانشجویی اتاق عمل کشور در سال 1398
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Zahra Panahi - Faculty of Operative Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Sadegh Ahmadi Kashkoli - Master of Health Services Management, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Grass, Ghorash, Iran
Hamed Behzadi - Operative-operating room, Cancer Research Center, Ghorash, Iran
Musa Azaripekan - Operative-operating room, Cancer Research Center, Ghorash, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Background and Aim: Cancer as one of the high prevalence patients can lead to emotional and psychological problems،Such as death anxiety, on the other hand, spiritual well-being can be adapted to the disease of the patient with anxiety and its anxietyTo improve. Spirituality refers to the spiritual beliefs of the affected patient in the therapeutic process. Beliefs that create specific experiences can enhance the quality of life in a person. The purpose of this study was to study the effectiveness of spiritual spirituality on quality of life and anxiety among the patients with cancer.Materials and Methods: The present study was a correlational study. It was a semi-experimental and pre-test, post-test and follow-up with control group. The statistical population consisted of all patients with cancer who referred to the Cancer Prevention Clinic in southern Fars in the years 96-97. They were selected by sampling and using the criteria of entry and exit, 120 people were selected and Randomized method was used in both experimental and control groups and each group was 60. The experimental group was subjected to spiritual therapy classes in eight 60-minute sessions. Before and after classes, both quality of life tests (WHO quality of life questionnaire 24) and death anxiety test (Templer death anxiety inventory) Six months later, again, both tests were repeated in the follow-up phase.Results: The results of this study showed that the scores of quality of life dimensions measured in the independent test group after the effect of the independent variable, while there was no significant difference in the control group and the overall quality of life in the experimental group from 14 before the intervention to the score of 17.6 The intervention was followed by 9/16. Also, the mean of death anxiety in the control and experimental groups showed that the level of anxiety in the experimental groups decreased from 11.3 to 11.9 before the intervention and reached 9.9 after the intervention and there was a significant difference with the scores of the group Controlled.Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that combined therapy of group spirituality can reduce the anxiety of cancer deaths and also, according to available findings, it seems that spiritual intervention on increasing the quality of life of patients suffering from the disease Has had an effect on cancer. Therefore, it is recommended that in cancer prevention and treatment centers along with therapeutic interventions with spiritual education to improve and improve the quality of life and mental health of patients with cancer

کلمات کلیدی:
Spirituality Therapy, Cancer, Mental Anxiety, Quality of Life

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