Frequency of Lactating Adenoma in Benign Breast Biopsies Referring to Pathology Departments from 1390 to 1395

  • سال انتشار: 1398
  • محل انتشار: دومین کنگره سالیانه کشوری دانشجویی طبری و بیست و دومین کنگره سالیانه کمیته تحقیقات دانشجویی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مازندران
  • کد COI اختصاصی: SRMMED22_065
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 372
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M Shafiee

Medical student,Student research committee, Shahid sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran

SH Taghipour zahir

Specialist and Professor of pathology,department of pathology, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences , Yazd , Iran

T Shirzad

Medical student,Student research committee, Shahid sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran


Introduction: The breast mass is the most important symptom that women refer to the clinic by presenting to be. Benign breast masses are more susceptible to pain, with a specific margin, with rubber consistency. One of the most benign breast masses is Lactating Adenoma. This mass can be associated with other diseases of the breast, including fibrocystic diseases, and can be associated with malignant breast diseases and can also be created separately. Sometimes it can imitate the appearance of a malignant disease in ultrasound or mammography, so we are going to look at the distribution of the frequency of Lactating Adenoma cases. Materials and methods: This study was an analytical cross-sectional study. The number of 74 women with benign breast masses was biopsied and referred to of Shahid Sadoughi, Mojibian and Mortaz hospitals during the years 1390 to 1395 that for them Lactating Adenoma was been diagnosed, were examined. Sampling method was census By referring to existing records and also telephone contacts, the information including age, year of illness, type of pathology associated with, and mass size, in the form already provided was recorded.The collected data were entered into SPSS version 18, using statistical tests were analyzed. Result: The results showed that The relative frequency of Lactating Adenoma in benign breast samples was 1.25%.Also the results showed the most frequent cases of Lactating Adenoma in 1393, the most common pathology associated with fibroedenoma, were the highest frequency of age range of involvement in the age range of 15-29 years old and the most involved breast, the right breast. There was no statistically significant relationship between mean age and mean mass size of patients with Lactating Adenoma, according to the year of illness, the type of pathology associated with and the breast involved (P value> 0.05). Conclusion: According to results, can be concluded the Lactating Adenoma is an uncommon benign tumor of the breast mathat is more likely to be seen at an early age. It is also the most common pathology associated with Lactating Adenoma, fibroedenoma.

کلیدواژه ها

Lactating Adenoma, Biopsy, Benign breast masses

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